So a little backstory, at work I’m friendly with almost everyone there but I feel like I don’t fit in. Everyday my “friends” seem to constantly mess with me and joke around with me and make fun of me. And it’s gotten to the point where it upsets me.

Certain people act like my friend when it’s a one on one conversation but when it’s a group they seem to always shit on me. They call me “easy Pickings” cause I’m a nice and a genuine person. They call me too nice and saying I have to be more toxic but that’s not me. And I’m gonna stick with that.

I probably have 1 to 2 actual friends but everyone else im kinda on the fence about. I’m just kinda getting tired of it cause it happens so often. I’m super sensitive and it’s to the point where they started talking behind my back about how sensitive I am. But also when I ignore them and avoid them they press me and ask me why I’m not talking to them. Super toxic high school bullshit going on. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

  1. You don’t want to fit in with that immature behaviour. Stick with your values and maybe time to look for another job!

  2. No true friend will ever talk shit about you, I also think its important to separate people into friends and different groups, like people from work who I laugh with are not my friends even if we get along, people who I see once a month to get drunk are not friends either. The same for you, I hope you get what I’m trying to say. There is nothing wrong to socialise with these people, but that won’t make them your friends. I would say to not stress about all these other people and care about those who you really consider friends.

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