Nothing, I just avoided communication like the plague during a professional, business convo and digged a hole for myself.
Bro I thought I thought I don’t let my shyness/social insecurities get in the way of money, guess i was wrong

1 comment
  1. being shy sucks especially when u are souranded by assholes like most of my classmates, I personally fell like I am improving but having some solid’s friendships it’s such a distant dream, the reality is that getting over being shy it’s just the first step to a social life, than it comes: accepting rejection and people that openly dislike you, others that aren’t interested in even talking to you, places where you just don’t fit, honestly getting over being shy it’s a different type of burden and you have to learn to live with it

    sometimes I wanna give up cause its too much work and there’s always something that goes wrong, today I was in class for a course with new acquaintance and I tink I get along well with the class, I chat with most people and have fun but today I wanted to sit on a bench and was ashemed of asking people to give me more space so i sat near the bench on the ground and this guy’s said to the group at loud: kamon look at him he just want to fit in why don’t you guys move, poor dude. and I felt so ashamed like he put me at the centre of attention and made fell so insecure, and asshole like this are common sadly, the whole classes reacted pretty well but it made me want to stop socialising for half an hour, I also can’t adapt to the do the fast pace dumb jokes of the class I can’t fit in with the “athomphere” of the class

    Fuck being social, fuck being human, this is huge pile of bullshit, human have legitimaly some of the worst life experience among animals, they just go around eat fuck and randomly die not like human eat struggle with your own existence fuck(for the luck ones) and die

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