Why are you up right now?

  1. Thanks for your submission to r/AskWomen.

    Did you know that effective July 1st, 2023, Reddit will enact a policy that will make third party reddit apps like Apollo, Reddit is Fun, Boost, and others too expensive to run? On this day, many users will login to find that their primary method for interacting with reddit will simply fucking cease to work unless something changes regarding reddit’s new API usage policy. [More details are in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/comments/142mrtd/raskwomen_will_be_going_dark_on_june_12_in/).

    Think it’s an asshole move? Concerned users should read and sign on to this [open letter to reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/)

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  2. Because its 5.30 in the afternoon, and that’s a silly time to not be up.

  3. It’s 8.38am and I just started work. Well, turned on my laptop so it looks like I’m online and available.

  4. Feeling like I’m going to explode. Don’t want to take the meds strong enough to knock me out cause I need to be up in the morning. So I’ll be up in the morning, but I’ll be up all night, too. (3:44am)

  5. Ugh, it’s 3:50am and i’ve been up since 1:30am because my 4 month old thinks it’s play time.

    He’s really cute, but his squeals of joy woke his sister up

  6. Several medical things going on, giving me too much pain to sleep through.

  7. It’s 4 PM here in Singapore, I am currently up and getting ready for a dinner date that I don’t want to go to lol

  8. 10:30 AM Friday where I am…I have a spawn or I’d probably be in bed if I had it my way tbh

  9. It’s 8:30pm here on a Friday night and I am eagerly awaiting my dessert in the oven. I don’t even have to share it because the kid and husband are asleep, ha!

  10. I have yet to find a way to have sustainable healthy sleeping patterns.

  11. Little storm cells keep forming on top of where I live, so it’s been thundering for the past, like, three hours. Does it have to do this in the middle of the night?

  12. Perimenopause makes my brain think 5 AM is a great wakeup time. Just developing my grandma skills, I guess.

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