My hobbies include video games, shooting, lifting, and playing music (instruments). Not really a big sports or cars guy but looking to expand my interests and meet new people. Thoughts?

  1. I got really into backpacking right before the pandemic. It’s good exercise, gets you outside, gets you to visit beautiful places, and is a great way to disconnect from the crazy electronically connected world we all live in these days. Plus you learn to be self reliant and gives you a pretty amazing sense of accomplishment. It also has a huge community and has been a pretty good way for me to bond with new friends.

  2. Hunting, butchering and curing meat.

    And the best part, it takes a ton of time.

  3. Go to a pool hall and see if you can join a league. Most leagues cater to players of all skill levels.

  4. Why is “manly” even a priority? Doing whatever the fuck piques your interest seems way more in line with the whole “independent male” vibe if that’s one of the things you’re going for. Worrying if something is manly or not is basically the opposite of what manhood could best aspire to. It’s a paradox.

  5. You got it all covered. Maybe add a combat sport.

    Remember to chop wood with a big axe in your front yard, shirtless.

  6. Anything where you produce something. The engagement of your creativity while learning and honing skills is something to aspire to. I think playing music counts, especially if you compose stuff.

    Plant growing




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