When you meet a girl, what would make you want to date her vs just being a close friend?

  1. Aside from good chemistry and all that, she has a lot more to offer than just her body.

  2. Looks and confidence are the big ones. Girls I have been friends with or dated but didn’t quite make the cut either had obesity problems or didn’t have a very sexy/confident attitude.

  3. This is an interesting question because I recently just went through a similar thought. I honestly don’t know the science into “what” and “how” but its felt in my gut. This feeling of not willing to proceed with them. It’s a revolt; an uncomfortableness of being present around them in the sense of intimacy; particularly in a public setting. However, as a friend I am ever so present with them and so much more willing to embrace; and honestly feel so comfortable participating as that type of person in their life. That’s not to say I would never consider dating that person, but I am for the most part not seeing it, nor feeling it at the moment.

    Like all Things, Time will tell.

  4. She would have to be so amazing and interested in me that I leave my current woman of 17 years. Not saying it’s impossible, but highly unlikely.

  5. That’s her decision. If I want to be a close friend, I’m probably also interested in fucking her. I’ve had several close female friends in my life. The only one I wasn’t interested in fucking was a very large flannel wearing lesbian. We got a long great and spent many nights as drinking buddies.

    Our friendship went sour when I worked for her at a BDSM event she organised. I worked the door and it took her a month to pay me for it.

  6. That’s my question to women. It doesn’t matter if I want them….cuz it doesn’t mean shit to them. It’s if THEY want me…

  7. Good conversation dynamic for friendship and mutual attraction for dating along with playful touching

  8. She presents herself as more than a body or a good time. Has some alignment with me or interests/entertains me somehow.

  9. Anyone that qualifies as a friend qualifies to date. I think 95% of women* are good looking enough. For anything longer term you’d have to have similar life goals and sex drive.

    *Selected from women who uploads pictures on dating apps.

  10. I have work friends that are women. I don’t have close personal friends that are female, the ‘close-personal’ stuff is reserved for only my girlfriend or wife

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