So, in Denmark, there’s a prevailing joke that you can go to hestenettet (“the horse net”, a forum about horses) to get the answer to ANY question. It’ll often pop on google if you google the answer to this or that. How long should you boil aspergus? Hestenettet will have an answer.

A Norwegian I talked to said they had a forum equivalent, although I don’t remember what it was called.

How about your country?

  1. I mean, there’s “forocoches”, a forum where you can find information about how to fix your car, discuss right-wing politics or pay some [mariachis]( to sing a farewell to Trump.

  2. thousands of questions are asked and answered there every day. The level ranges from cringe as fuck, nonsense to really informative or high quality.

    If I search for questions about Denmark, for example, I can find all sorts of things.

    Why is Denmark called Denmark?
    Why do Greenland and the Faroe Islands belong to Denmark?
    What are the prices, how does getting married work, what should you see in Copenhagen, what can you do on holiday in Denmark.

    But there are also unusual questions. How long did it take to cross from Denmark to England on a dragon ship in Viking times? Or

    Why did Denmark put its capital (and largest city) on a side island and within “sight” of Malmö, a huge city in Sweden?

    Meaningless questions that take 2 minutes to answer in a search engine, what is your area code for the telephone.

    But also silly questions, can you send post from Germany to Denmark?

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