Not sure if this is a male thing, a creative thing, or something else

But I’ll often have ideas to create, art, writings, maybe music with lyrics, anything

But I’ve always had difficulty explaining my feelings in any way than simplistic hard logical terms. Good, bad, angry, sad, happy. It’s like the range is very stunted. Even when I’m communicating my feelings or my self there’s this distance.

I’m often impressed by those who can write flowery beautiful lyrics(think Thomas york from radiohead). I’ve never once thought it my feelings in such complex ways. Although I feel things very deeply and very intensely my descriptions often always stay completely in the strict cold logical sense. I am NOT asking for permission to have feelings, or if any of you do have feelings. Rather, I’m asking if any of you guys have difficulties processing and transmitting those feelings in any outlets.

Any advice?

  1. No I do not have difficulty processing or transmitting those feelings.

    This has nothing to do with sex or gender.

  2. It has all to do with how much you’ve read and developed expressing yourself.

    If you would like some authors that deal with themes that you mentioned:

    -Emil Cioran

    I am not saying they are correct, nor do they overlap or have similar takes. They will mostly provide you with different ways of perceiving.

    P.S. I would suggest getting out of this “Men are logical, can’t process feelings” framework. Its mostly detrimental and very, very limiting.

  3. I don’t have problems expressing feelings in an artistic way. The difficult part is making it not sound shitty or clichéd. The trick around that is a lot of practice, editing, and abandoning the “first thought, best thought” idea.

    A lot of musicians love to tell stories about how a song came to them in a dream, or they wrote it in 20 minutes. Those are exceptions. Usually it takes a lot of effort and many drafts before a satisfying result is achieved.

  4. Writing was probably the biggest help for me emotionally after my sister passed away when she was 16 and I was 20. I ended up writing several books of poetry as well as short stories. To this day I still do a lot of journaling and right now I own a business doing advertising and video production I also do screenwriting on the side. So I never had a problem putting my feelings or myself into writing. It has been extremely therapeutic.

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