why would a girl that knows I like her constantly initiate text or phone calls but never wants to hang out?

  1. Are you sure she knows you like her? Have you told her?
    Or is it just an assumption?

    Is she the type of girl that goes out alot?

  2. Best case, she likes you too and is just unsure.

    Worst case scenario, she thinks she can do better than you, and your chance of ever having a real relationship with her are zero, but she is willing to use (or waste depending on your perspective) your attention, time and energy.

  3. Because you’re good enough for a chat but nothing more. Block her and move on, this will never get better.

  4. I have a (so called) friend like this. She calls, tells me her problems and when I start to tell her mine, She ends the conversation. I’ve gotten to the point I just gas light her now.

  5. It is also possible that she likes you too but is unsure because maybe of her insecurities or some other stuff. I guess you should directly ask her and if she doesn’t give a straight answer, move on.

  6. She wants to keep her options open. And you are not ready for the pros in her opinion. You are a nice guy I’m guessing and she does not want one yet. After she has been used up and hit the wall you could be brought up to the majors, but not before then. Stop talking to her and find a woman worth your time.

  7. Dude, shes obviously trying to play with a guy who obviously likes her for her self esteem, those girls ain’t worth it, you deserve someone better who’ll actually like u for who you are

  8. Either because she’s playing hard to get or, she’s scared or having mixed emotions.

  9. If you’re looking for something more intimate than what they’re willing to give to you, you need to find someone who is willing to match you equally, or you risk heading into an unhealthy one way relationship where you put unreasonable expectations onto the relationship and it spirals.

    Find someone who *wants* to match you.

  10. She wants attention when Chad won’t reply, but isn’t interested in you sexually.

  11. She is unavailable….for you.

    Don’t waste your time on you because she is an emotional vampire.

  12. She’s using you for your free attention.

    Your time is finite. You will never get it back again.

    Walk away. Stop wasting it.

  13. Attention, validation. Basically, she’s using you for the attention, compliments and validation that you give her, but she’ll never, and I mean *never*, accept a date/relationship with you. Actually, you’d have a better chance of her developing an attraction to you if you don’t give her that attention, compliments and validation. That being said, her initiating conversations with you does not mean that the feelings are mutual, and it’s entirely possible that nothing I said here is actually true about her, because I don’t know or have any personal, real-world experience with her. How did you let her know that you have feelings for her? Did she say anything about her feelings for you, whether plutonic or romantic, when you let her know about your feelings for her?

  14. Man, this comment section fucking sucks. Not bc what they’re saying is wrong but bc I know I need to move the fuck away from a girl that loves to chat but just HAAPPPEENNSS to be busy EVERY time I ask to hangout.

    But yeah what people are saying just move on from her. Even if she’s got a busy schedule if she actually wants you she’ll make time for you or something bc she wants to hang out with you

  15. Bruh. You know why. Come on. She wants the emotional validation of keeping you on the hook. But doesn’t want the physical side.

    The only way forward is to shoot your shot and then be prepared to move on if the answer is anything but yes.

  16. Because she doesn’t feel physically safe with you, but likes you enough to keep talking to you. Did you try getting physical with her at some point or get pushy? If not, she may have some past experience that makes her nervous to be around guys that like her.

    Try offering something specific to do that’s in public. Better yet, offer to do something with her and friends. Any gesture or assurance you can make that you won’t do anything she doesn’t want you to will go a long way.

  17. It gives her attention that she needs but she doesn’t have to exert the energy to meet up

  18. Because she wants the time and attention for free and knows you will give it.

  19. Sounds more like you are her source of boredom relief.
    I would tell her to either hang out with you, or you’d block and drop her, as you don’t see how being friends with her could be mutually beneficial to the both of you.
    If she’s anything like the girl and guy in my past who faked their friendship with me for over a year, only to reveal they had done so for my car and willingness to drive them around whenever they needed it, you’ll probably find out that she never thought of you as a friend, only as someone to keep her entertained when she was bored.

  20. She’s definitely toying with you, I think it’s best you don’t try to be optimistic with her.

  21. Because you are dumb enough to not set up proper borders.

    She texts you because she knows you give her what she wants without fearign that you’d break off contact because she knows you like her.

    Your next step is to block her number and forget about her becasue there is no way this strange situation could develop into anything useful

  22. Either way you a slice it she’s playing a game with you. Fuck that bitch, move on.

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