In terms of sharing problems you’re facing, what are the most common ones you and your friends talk about?

  1. Relationship issues, family issues, parenting problems, work issues, financial issues

  2. Most of my friends are from cycling, so it’s all ‘I got a flat,’ ‘I need to sneak in a morning ride,’ ‘I gotta convince my SO I need another bike.’

  3. Relationships (of any types) and career are both at the same level of being our common “problems” talk.

  4. Our aging parents and other peripheral relatives like great aunts and uncles who are starting to need extra care.

    We’re (millennial) not ready to be the elders of our families yet!

  5. Parenting, educating (95% of my friend group home educate), health (mental & physical), marriage, family.

    My friends are mostly much wealthier than me. I don’t feel overly comfortable talking about our financial stresses.

  6. Everything. Money, job stuff, annoying fights with partners. Problems with our dogs.

  7. Loneliness, aging parents and the responsibilities that come with it, work, and hobbies.

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