How do you feel when they dont laugh at your jokes?

Also, will you try to make a woman other than your spouce laugh? If yes, why?

  1. If I’m attempting to be funny of course I’d want someone else to laugh. it’s also a bummer if they don’t.

  2. It’s not important at all.

    I’m a funny guy… but if you’re not laughing… I just assume you’re not smart enough for my level of humor lol.

  3. I mean we are evolutionarily geared to be successful mates. Positive female attention means we might successfully breed.

    Its pretty simple really. Not that we’re always trying to breed, but its this huge superhighway in our neurophysiology. Big dopamine hits when a woman laughs at our jokes.

  4. Lol I crack the jokes I think are funny or at least the ones that sound funny in my head. Usually they land, sometimes they don’t. I don’t think I’m ever cracking a joke “for the women to laugh at”. The best humour is natural humour; where you’re thinking about the punchline not the impression afterwards.

  5. Sorry, but the look of disappointment on my wife’s face is so much better than a laugh.

  6. I’m not sure I see the correlation between my spouse and making people laugh, here. Of course I try to make women laugh, I try to make everyone laugh. A woman laughing at something I’ve said has nothing to do with my wife, not sure where the connection is here.
    And how do I feel when someone doesn’t laugh at what I’ve said? Usually like they didn’t get the joke.

  7. Validation. Doesn’t even have to be a woman, I just like the validation. If it’s a woman I’m interested in, nothing more validating than knowing I can make her laugh

  8. I can make anyone laugh. it makes me feel good knowing I just made a connection with a stranger even if its just for 45 seconds.

    I’m very good at reading the room.

  9. How boring and lifeless would life be if we couldn’t even share humor? Not to mention that women are generally attracted to men they find funny, so of course I want to be seen as attractive to a woman I’m attracted to, not just to attract her, but as a sign that the relationship will have potential going foreward.

  10. No one is obliged to laugh at my jokes, but I would hope that my partner thinks I’m funny. If she doesn’t laugh, I will understandably assume she’s not amused by my sense of humor.

  11. I suppose I consider it an important part of my identity being witty and clever. Making people laugh feels good. Making women laugh feels good and makes me feel more attractive. Making women I’m in a relationship laugh feels good, makes me feel more attractive, and leads to sex and cuddles.

  12. if I can’t make her laugh, then the only two relationships we can have are professional or sexual, romance and friendship are right out.

    humor is central to how I socialize and if that’s not available trying to connect is a waste of time

  13. >Why women laughing at your jokes is so important to you?

    It isn’t. I can laugh at my own jokes just fine, thank you. But I’ll try regardless to break tension and get people to lighten up.

    >Also, will you try to make a woman other than your spouse laugh? If yes, why?

    I don’t have a spouse, but if I did, I would try and make anyone laugh – man, woman or otherwise.

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