I’ll go first: people who can seem to switch personalities at the drop of a hat, for example: if you can go from a personal interaction with a friend to professional with a coworker in a split second I’m instantly wary of you as a person, because if you can switch modes that seamlessly how do I know you’re not just putting on an act with me?

  1. Badmouthing your spouse. If you can’t talk about the most important person in your life positively, why should I expect you’d talk positively about me?

  2. >for example: if you can go from a personal interaction with a friend to professional with a coworker in a split second I’m instantly wary of you

    Fuck you too OP.

  3. People who are too self confident or self promoting. I know you’re full of shit.

  4. I fear radical feminists. Not feminists, but radical ones that give all feminists a bad name. The ones that hate men. I don’t like them very much. I fear the ones that know they can just spit lies and ruin peoples lives. Theirs no defense against that. It’s a chaotic evil so I just avoid it.

  5. Do you realize this might be a coping mechanism that someone has trained themself to do due to trauma they experienced in their past?

    It could also be that the person is just good a knowing what is appropriate in different situations.

  6. People who are *too engaging*, especially when they say your name too many times. I’m 99% sure that they’re going off of some manual for building rapport, because I’ve run into the same technique a few too many times. They’re always out to get something, and it’s always bad.

  7. …isn’t being professional around coworkers, and casual around friends, just…being professional?

    I’m confused as to how being able to quickly adapt and appropriately conduct yourself is bad

  8. If they make fun of small penises. I know I’ll never get close enough to share that with them if it’s a friend abd never have sex or a relationship with her if so. I need my privacy respected

  9. People who are two-faced. Act all nice to people around them, but then turn around and talk shit about them to other people.

  10. Overly nice. Like over the top smiling and eye contact. It’s unnatural.

    It’s hard to believe anyone can be that happy and giddy all the time.

    I trust someone that’s not afraid to show a side of themselves others might not like as much way more then someone who pretends to put in this happy facade at all times.

  11. Commissioned sales people – “What do I have to do to get you into this…?” Immediately I see their motivation… Money in their pocket not me getting a good

    politicians- 99%+ of them are self-seeking

    law enforcement- Rampant abuse of power and entitlement

    overtly religious- “How are you doing?” “Praise Jesus, He has blessed us with a beautiful day.” “So yesterday sucked, was that on him as well?”

    One uppers- always willing to humiliate another human so they don’t appear average

    Macho Men- see ‘One uppers’

    Man haters- looking for any fodder or evidence to use to make sure the world knows that all men are terrible.

  12. Anyone who trips my “They’re trying to sell me something” alarm.

    Most rescent example was when I took my dog, Lady, to a new vet. I had noticed some scaling and hairloss on her shoulders and hind end, and having raised dogs for along time, recognized the signs of an allergic reaction. Hadn’t switched her food, so it was probably something she got into outside. Simple antihistamine shot and she’d be right as rain.

    Normal vet didn’t have any time slots that didn’t conflict with my work that week, so I figured since it was a simple shot, I’d go to the vet in the other nearby town. Young, kinda awkward and homely vet came out to the waiting room and spoke with me about Lady because the exam room was busy. We agreed it was probably an allergic reaction and as soon as the exam room was open, she’d give her the once over and the shot, and then get me a quote on any of the other services I might want. General stuff to promote healing and help prevent infection on the scratched areas.

    We went in back, she gave Lady an exam and a stab in the butt, and we talked about Lady’s flee collar for a bit (she’d never heard of the brand), and then she walked me through each of the different services and how much each one was and how effective she thought each one was, but assured me that Lady didn’t need any and would be fine in two or three weeks without them. Genuinely considered getting some of that protective mousse and some of the chewables since I know Lady hates her flee collar.

    And then who I assume was her boss came in, and after asking what had brought me here, started going over all the things I should get for Lady to help her recover (all the things the first girl had been talking about) and how I should switch from the brand of flee collar because they didnt work (they do, believe me. 50 ticks without vs maybe 2 with) and get Lady on the anti flee and tick chewables they had.

    She hadn’t recommended or talked about a single thing the young woman hadnt, but instantly my alarm went off that she was trying to sell me something. Instantly distrusted every recommendation she gave, even tried to refuse the free dose of the chewable. If she had told me the sky was blue, I’d have believed it was green. I left as quickly as I could after that, almost missed that I had been billed for the “free sample” until the young woman caught it when the receptionist gave me my bill.

    I’m not going back to that vet. If you think a product or service you provide would benefit me, fine. But you try to just sell me something, I’m gone.

    Called my usual vet that weekend, told them about the young woman and recommended they look into offering her a job. Usual vet (an old friend) laughed and said anyone who could do a good enough job to get me consider buying something extra must be amazing at their job and he’d look into hiring her.

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