My parents have been divorced since I was in 3rd grade. I have since moved out am in college. Mom had a boyfriend for a few months YEARS ago and nothing since. Neither of them are the hookup type by the way.

My dad has remarried. Well, I am home for summer and I was out with some friends and I saw my parents having dinner together.

Didn’t think much of it. They get along, but they don’t talk. I thought maybe it was something about my siblings and they were just discussing parent stuff.

Well, a week or so later I went to my dads house even though I’ve been staying at my moms. My moms car was around the corner but I figured it was a neighbor with the same car.

Nope. My parents were on the couch totally making out. I was SHOCKED and didn’t even say anything I just left and called my best friend.

So this morning my parents wanted to explain and I met them at moms. They said they have been going to marriage counseling and have decided they are going to get married again, and said they are “getting the family back together”

My first question was about my stepmom. Dad said “it’s complicated but she’s aware of the situation” my only other question was “how long did this go on?” And my mom said “about a year”

My dad had a year long affair with his WIFE and expects me, his 18 year old daughter to be totally ok with that, but I’m not. I feel so bad for the poor woman.

Idek what to do. Do I suck it up and go through with their wedding and all that or do I tell them I disapprove of their affair and stand for what I believe? I know they are my parents but still

  1. Honestly, this is some messy, complicated shit. I’d stay out of it entirely and just let them sort it out.

    Good news, though! You learned an important life lesson about how age does not equal wisdom!

  2. By the time your dad gets divorced and wants to get re-married to your mom, they may remember why they divorced in the first place. I’d try and stay out of it. But, I think your gut is right – affairs are wrong period, your dad is being extremely disrespectful to his current wife.

    File this under “mistakes my parents have made that I won’t be repeating.”

  3. 😮 whoa! That’s crazy right there. Whatever you do, stay out of it. Live your life. Focus on school and just roll with it. If/when he divorces your stepmother, stay out of it. If/when he remarries your mother go to the wedding and be a supportive daughter. If their relationship blows up again, stay out of it and don’t take sides. Just roll with it. You never know. Maybe it will all work out.

  4. I would stay out of it. This is not your circus, not your monkeys. Nothing good comes from getting in the middle of this.

  5. Are you in college? Or headed to college?

    Reason I’m asking is that’s a great opportunity to stay away from this mess. If you go to school out of state you can probably find a way to spend summers in that city by working or whatever. Or do internships in another city for your summers.

    Physical separation may be the key here.

    How do they treat you? It’s great that you are sticking up for your step mom, even if it’s only quietly at the moment

  6. Stay out of it, but let them know you’re not okay with it separately.

  7. Are your parents Frank and Monica Gallagher?

    Im just, sorry but omg. And yes your stepmother is probably feeling really brutal and alone right now. Please contact her and let her know you do care and it was not all in vain the years she put into him and you/you kids (if you have siblings).

  8. Don’t insert yourself into what appears to be a very complicated situation. You will be responsible for ruining not one but two marriages.

    But, if you feel entitled that your feelings on this matter with all the wisdom of an 18 yearold is sufficient justification to interfere, then by all means, go ahead.

  9. I mean, your stepmom knows about this so I’m not seeing an issue. Your dad technically cheated, but he’s being honest with all parties (or at least is now) and it’s much more forgivable given that it’s with the mother of his children.

    Your stepmom will be fine, just like your mom was when your dad divorced her. It’ll suck for a while, and then she’ll move on. Sometimes life just works that way.

  10. You’re 18 and their dependent. Who cares what you think. Get good grades in school & go to college.

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