If you had the opportunity to tell your spouse something before they died, what would you tell them?

  1. Every day I tell my husband thank you for the things he does, I tell him I love him and that I’ve always got his back. Then I do everything in my power to have his back and make his life decent. We’ve maybe ten years left on earth and serious illness has hit us both hard. The things worth saying are worth saying every day.

  2. >If you had the opportunity to tell your spouse something before they died, what would you tell them?

    Are you okay with me remarrying or nah?

  3. Not much….I say what I need to all the time.
    Just I love you means a bunch. I may have a letter or 2 written for when I’m gone. Just for those lasting words to be hard and firm about my feelings and thoughts for her

  4. I love you and I would do this again. You changed my life. Thank you. See you in heaven.

  5. I would tell him not to worry and that I’ll be okay, even if I didn’t feel like that was true at the time. I know that’s what he’d want to hear most, just like it’s the thing I worry about most when I think about my death. I know we just would want to know that the other would be okay.

  6. That he doesn’t have to worry about me being lonely because I plan to get the dog, cheetah or serval that I’ve always wanted.🙃

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