What’s something they taught you in school that has been proven untrue in your adulthood?

  1. That I’d be offered drugs all the time and find drugs in my Halloween candy…Never offered or find shittttt

  2. “You need to learn math because you won’t always have a calculator on hand.”

    No, good sir, I always carry something vastly superior to a calculator in every way. As a matter of fact, the calculator is less than 1% of it’s overall use. (Shamelessly stolen quote)

  3. That our landfills were running out of space and we’d have nowhere to put garbage. Also that Japan was going to be the world’s dominant economy.

  4. Lion lives in Africa and tigers lives in Asia.

    There are lions who live in Asia! 🤯

  5. I was unreasonably upset when I found out that Pluto is no longer a planet.

  6. That bullying is just something that happens in grade school. Adult bullying and workplace bullying is very real! Yet we keep telling kids that when they get older they wont be bullied anymore. Kids end up being in a for a surprise when they realize adults are just are evil as kids, it is just in different ways of bullying. Many are forced to quit their jobs, others are blacklisted and cant find work after they have an issue with a co-worker or boss at their previous jobs.

    As adults use their employment status as a fear tactic to other employees, especially if they are bosses, many bosses hit on their employees and make those employees lives difficult if the boss does not get what they want. Much like Popular kids do to “nerds” in grade school.

  7. The whole School-college-job path is complete bs for a *lot* of people. That cookie cutter rhetoric was beaten into all of our heads from a young age and those of us who didn’t go to college or didn’t finish were seen as losers. College is not meant for everyone and it needs to stop being sensationalized as the magic bullet for success.

  8. “Grades determine what kind of jobs you can get.”

    Not a single employer I’ve ever had inquired about my GPA or report cards. I’ve had a career in the military for 10 years and not a single step of my advancement or new opportunity within the service brought up my grades from grade school as a factor.

  9. That we were going into a new ice age……which is now suddenly global warming…..though we are coming out of a mini ice age from a few hundred years ago.

  10. That college is the best pathway to success. I got a college degree and I don’t even use it because the job I ended up with pays double what an entry level position would pay for my degree

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