Let me just say that we have not done so. All three of us were good friends, and she died 8 months ago. She had cancer and was gravely ill, and the three of us all live in the same complex. I moved out of the complex after my girl died, but me and the friend, Alexis, see each other every Friday. At first, it was just to check in since we were both grieving. We have feelings for each other, and it’s pretty apparent, but I don’t wanna diss honor my girlfriend. I don’t want to spend on her grave and be disrespectful, but the heart wants what it wants. Am I wrong?

  1. I think it’s ok but you might want to keep it on the dl because some people might not be understanding.

  2. I think it’s okay, but be prepared that some people might give big (negative) reactions.

  3. I think it’s ok, u should give it a try. But you will have to be prepared not for what others might say, but rather to fight against your own thoughts and perhaps see your friend do the same. Eventually all will be for the better. Either way i honestly think the best way to honor your gf would be to keep checking her/his friend like you have been doing and if that takes to another thing its not anyone’s fault.
    U might also want to share this thoughts with your friend if there is enough confidence after a while.
    Do not give a flying fuck about what ppl might say, we the ppl that lost loved ones have all the right in the world to try to find again our happiness.
    I’m sorry for your loss.

  4. Yes, of course it’s ok. It’s a beautiful thing in fact.

    I understand it must bring up complicated feelings but you deserve to be happy, especially after what you’ve both been through. I’m sure your girlfriend would have wanted you both to be as happy as possible. You only get one life.

    I’d recommend speaking to a therapist about it, they will be able to help you process your mixed feelings.

  5. I have read the other responses and agree with what they are saying… Go for it… Good luck

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