Recently a girl entered the gym I’m in, we almost always make eye contact, but we never talk, the truth is that it catches my attention but I don’t know how to get close, since it’s a little weird to flirt in the gym, any advice?

  1. maybe just try waving at her when you make eye contact. if she smiles and waves back then you might have green light to strike a normal – non flirtatious – conversation with her. if she doesn’t wave back, looks at you weird, or slowly/awkwardly waves back then that’s a red light to probably stop looking at her bc the “eye contact” you two are making could just be random or she feels like you’re always staring at her

  2. Young men, young men, young men. Y’all need to remember…
    Faint hearts never won fair ladies ( a quote for Disney’s Robinhood I have used as my guide for the last 37 years of Dating (I’m 53)
    Just do it. Just,approach, walk up, say hello.
    Strike up a conversation. If it’s weird that it’s at the gym say hey. I know it’s weird that we’re at the gym, however… Right why good man you have absolutely nothing to lose everything to gain.
    Stop wasting moments of your life worried about something that if it doesn’t happen is no loss at all.. just a thing that didn’t happen.

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