I tried posting this in Relationship\_Advice but haven’t been successful.

Hi, me 27 and ex-gf 24. We were together for about 6 years and for about 5 years lived together. We have introduced one another and have spent time with one another families occasionally. Our time together didn’t end on a bad note and we have always been faithful to one another when we were together.

Things had changed and we decided to split it off as we were no longer as “in love” as we were before – although it hurts a lot, I believe we were mature enough to understand one another. I’m sure we both appreciated at least our efforts to communicate. It has been about a few weeks now. TBH I didn’t want to end things but I respect her.

Well, it turns out I don’t have many friends outside of our circle and she had been my (only) go-to for any serious events or any type of vent really; So I think I’m pretty alone but I try my best to manage. I lost my father last year to a car accident and yesterday/2 days ago I lost my Aunt to a brain aneurysm. She’s still in the hospital, but the Doctors are being frank and have declared her brain activity is basically 0 and we should prepare for the worst.

I understand it is no longer my ex’s duty to hear me out on things and I am understandable that reaching out could possibly cause harm in our healing processes. But we did let each other know we had nothing against one another and we can remain on good terms (just, of course we naturally stopped all contact for now for obvious reasons). We also agreed we can still reach out for any emergencies.

Is it too early to reach out? I would hate considering this as playing the sympathy card and giving a wrong impression.

I have 0 intentions of causing anything dramatic. I am just really overwhelmed with many things, even beyond my families losses (work, anxiety, etc. I do have a Doctor and therapy is scheduled tomorrow coincidentally for my mental health issues). I could argue that my ex is one of those things, but she knows and spent some time with my Aunt on family vacation trips a few times, and I just don’t know what I should do. Should I try to find someone else? But that would require a lot of effort. I’m sure there’s a million other things I could find to cope, but my ex seems like the easiest thing I can think of and that’s all the energy I really have and she’s personally connected.

TLDR: Is it bad to reach out to my recent ex (weeks) due to a loss in my family (she has personally spent time with) for my own comfort?

1 comment
  1. No you shouldn’t

    You need to get your shit together without her

    It’s not her fault or problem anymore and it’s unfair on her and also you (as you will become dependent on her again)

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