If you could see your self in ten years time from now,what do you hope will be there?

  1. 10 yrs? I hope to be retired, or close to it. The goal is 50 10 yrs would be 49.

  2. Living in a house we own, my kids’ educations prepared and paid for, my wife in a good job with her nursing degree, and me with a few books published that have quite a bit of success and a large following as well.

  3. a wife who does not have a dead bedroom with me and 4 children. with a mortgage but we can both pay. although I doubt that I will even have the first. the mortgage yes

  4. A reasonable job and a really good amount of money saved up. At least the same level of fitness that I am now, I’d hate to become a fatass. Hopefully I still have a good relationship with my ma and my little brothers.

    All I can really hope for, all of that is realistic IMO. I can’t really hope for something if it’s too outrageous or crazy to actually expect to maybe happen, so that’s all I hope for right now.

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