What’s a mantra/ phrase you once heard/read and stick by till this day?

  1. You are the bouncer in your own life. You decide who gets in and how they treat you as an “establishment”. It is entirely okay to kick someone out of your life or stop someone at the door for any reason. The bouncer enforces your personal boundaries. And the bouncer is you.

  2. “That’s just, like, your opinion man”

    There’s a reason Dudeism has become it’s own religion

  3. “I’d rather die enormous than live dormant, that’s how we on it“-Jay Z

  4. “We all are broken, that’s how the light gets in”

    This Quote by Ernest Hemingway helped me to understand that everyone has its own struggles, which made me more tolerant to others and not to mistake any other person to be “better” or “worse”.

  5. “Harden your hart, have no friends, and trust no woman” -The Ten Commandments

  6. Those who can do and those who can’t teach.

    I’ve always taken advice from people who are successful over academics, if you are so smart then why aren’t you rich ?

    Has always benefitted me.

  7. “Be here now“. I try to focus on staying present and mindful of my surroundings every day.

    “Have you tried trying?“ I’m known for this one with the people in my life. So often I see that obstacles are predetermined as insurmountable before an honest effort has been made. Or when someone thinks that they can’t do something because they’ve never done it before. I throw this one out and it usually gets a smile and and “OK, OK, you’re right.“

    “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission“. In my career is where I implement this. Rather than ask permission to take on some project or Initiate some improvement, I just start doing it. And most of the time it works.

    “Do it right or don’t do it“. Whether I’m making some thing, fixing some thing, working out, doing my job, cooking a meal, or whatever… I do the best I can. I don’t seek perfection because that has diminishing returns. But if I can’t dedicate the energy to doing a thing right, then I don’t do it. Also “use the right tool for the job“.

    “It’s all made up and nothing matters“. That’s just my cosmic nihilism keeping me grounded and making sure I don’t accidentally start thinking whatever is going on isn’t just some nonsense that we made up and are pretending actually matters in this brief and ridiculous blip of existence

  8. “The world ends when you’re dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back.”

  9. “Be better than yesterday.”

    Recognizing and doing what you can improve on takes time. This saying really allowed me to focus on taking baby steps instead of blaming myself for not being inherently good at life.

    It doesn’t always happen. We all have bad days. The important thing that I’ve found is to recognize that it’s just a bad day and an opportunity for self-care.

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