I genuinely can’t tell if this is rude behavior or if I’m just all up in my feelings as usual.

My boyfriend [30] and I [29] live in the same town, but not together. I invited a few friends who live in another state to come see me this weekend, but they don’t arrive until tomorrow night. My boyfriend accidentally scheduled one of his friends on the same weekend, but she arrived this morning. For context, we have been dating for just over 9 months.

He had to work today but got off early and has been really quiet. I understand he’s probably busy with his friend, but now I’m sitting at home alone having dinner and wondering if it’s weird or rude that he didn’t invite me to meet her? I introduced him to a few of my friends and haven’t met any of his, although they all live far away so that’s understandable. He was telling me about this tour they’re doing tomorrow and didn’t ask me if I wanted to go or anything, or even meet up for a drink. I don’t think he’s cheating or anything like that, but my feelings are really hurt right now. Because I want him to meet my friends but maybe he doesn’t think it’s as important? To be fair to him, I didn’t ask to be invited. I assumed plans would kind of settle into place.

But also, I want to give him space to enjoy time with his friend. I really need help interpreting whether this is rational or not.

  1. If y’all are serious about each other then he should NOT be having female friends over. Period. And the fact that he doesn’t want to include you is sketchy AF.

  2. He’s doing this to you because he can. No loving boyfriend would do this .

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