I am pet sitting for a friend (both 20s F) and noticed that her place could use a good cleaning. She is in school and a generally busy person and, like myself, has ADHD and has struggled with some mental health stuff in the past.

I’m not sure if maybe she’s just a little messy, or if she’s struggling mentally right now. I can really relate to the executive dysfunction that ADHD and depression bring and sometimes find it absolutely impossible to clean my own place, but I think it would be really fun and satisfying to clean hers.

How can I ask if I could clean/if she could use a hand without embarrassing her? It truly does not gross me out by any means so I really don’t want her to feel judged, I just want to offer some help if she could use it.

  1. “Heyy, I’m feeling bored right now and a bit stressed would you mind If I cleaned your place while I’m pet sitting, It would really help me take my mind of things and help me focus”,

    I would only say this if your close because if your just friends then they would definitely take offence and you should just keep out of it. If your close “heyy, I wanna clean your room for you, I have nothing else better to do and I love cleaning”

  2. I wanted to clean my friend’s place at some point as well. I feel like people won’t like my answers…but like I cleaned a small thing, just organizing some papers or folding some clothes, told her and talked about jokingly and then it was totally normal to do anything else/bigger things

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