So my boyfriend and I just started dating three months ago. We saw each other like twice a week and we don’t really communicate through iMessage because we’re both not that talkative. We just text each other important stuff. Now, he’s on vacation in his home country for two months and he’s been gone for a week and I’ve been missing him like crazy already. We do call sometimes but I don’t really feel like calling or texting, he doesn’t either. We did talk about how we miss each other and that it’s hard being away from each other. Our love language is physical touch, we are both really quiet people.

So how do I handle these months without him? I can’t visit him, and tbh texting and calling just makes me miss him even more. This is the first time I’m experiencing this emotion and I don’t know how to handle it or cope with it. It’s keeping me awake and it’s distracting me during the day. I’ve noticed that I find it hard to focus on my studies or work. What do you guys advise?

  1. You definitely need to keep on talking so the relationship doesn’t deteriorate

  2. That’s a complicated problem to have.. you know, that early in the relationship you still are in the honeymoon phase and very much burning in love, so those 2 months will feel horrible to both of you, the advice I can give you, even tho it may sound too simple is to just wait, maybe try to find a new hobby, keep your mind on something else, you’re 23 so one year younger than me, I know very well at this age time starts flying out of your hands and before you realize, he’ll be back. Just hang on!

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