So my girlfriend (F22) and I (M22) have been together for 10 months, live together, the whole 9. But in all honesty I just feel like I need to part ways with being in a relationship

She talks of marriage and all this n that and to be honest I’m just not ready for any of it. I have a lot of passions I wanna pursue and I feel like being in a relationship is making me stuck in place and I don’t know how to get the courage up to express my true feelings to her cuz I know her reaction is gonna blow up in my face

Part of me just wants to be alone again, do to my own thing and pursue my passions more. She and I have fought multiple times over breaking up and almost coming close but I always back down and have to fix the situation without telling her my true feelings

Tl;Dr I just don’t know how to get the courage up to tell her my true feelings and it makes it harder that we live together and I don’t know what to do

  1. You are so so young! I’m not sure where you are from, but in my country that is way too young to be living with a significant other, especially when you’ve been together under a year.

    If you feel this way now I don’t think it will change any time soon.

  2. Breaking up is hard but necessary. Don’t pull the old, “it’s not you, it’s me” crap. “This isn’t working for me and I have to end it.” Then leave.

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