What is one piece of advice that you’d give a guy in his early 20s?

  1. Take care of yourself. Drink water. Find a good hobby, and maintain good relationships with your good friends.

    Call your parents whenever you’re thinking of them.

  2. To check if their question has been asked and answered before. Almost certainly that will be the case, e.g.:












    – and dozens more…

  3. I wish in my twenties I would have discovered disc golf because then I wouldn’t have wasted tens of thousands of dollars playing traditional golf.

    Not only is disc golf cheaper because the vast majority of courses are free to play but at least for me it’s a lot more fun to play and has a lot better community as well.

  4. To follow all the advice you see on Reddit. Surely that will make you a normal human being that is very well adjusted !!

  5. If something has a high chance to kill you or harm you, don’t do it

    You would be surprised how many times this simple advice is overlooked

  6. That if you are thinking of joining the military, those promises they make with you. Most, if not all, will be broken or are outright lies.

  7. Open a Roth IRA and start investing as early as possible! I wish I had started even sooner.

  8. Focus on leveling up and improving your life. Women will come to you when you get successful.

  9. Build your career. A lot of people in their early 20s take forever to decide what they want to do. Don’t be like that. Pick something that you’re at least good at, and hopefully that you enjoy, and become the best you can possibly be.

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