My boyfriend and I have been together for four years. During that time we had lotta rough patches due to my insecurities and jealousy we worked through them constantly as I attend therapy. I have changed a lot, but there are moments where those insecurities and jealousy come back lately. We have been fighting over little things Last Saturday my boyfriend saw a message where I called his sister loser in my defense. His sister left him hanging when he drove three hours to go see her so I was just talking mess which I shouldn’t have. He loves his family and I knew I crossed the line. He got up in the middle the night and left my house which he’s never done before. We didn’t talk for two days. Usually he doesn’t need that long to cool down. We finally talked Wednesday and he still didn’t want to talk, but agreed to let me know what was going on. He stated that he had a lot of doubts about our relationship and whether or not, we can move forward, he was naming a lot of negative things about our relationship. He basically was pretty fed up and it wasn’t just about a sister but an accumulation of things. This has happened before where he has doubted our relationship or even broke up with me in the past, it doesn’t happen now until this fight. He’s never been so angry or so uncommunicative with me where he doesn’t reach out. After we had our talk, where he expressed his doubts, he seemed like he still wanted to be with me. As he asked me what I would do in the future to improve certain things I told him I would always support him and I’m sorry for the my part I played, he seemed calm but still unsure. I usually would be very pushy and tell him I need an answer right away. I wanted to give him the respect so I let him know that I would like to work things out. He said he didn’t know and couldn’t give me an answer which she is also said before I said OK can we talk tomorrow? (Which was Thursday) and he said he didn’t know today’s Friday. I haven’t heard from him since Wednesday. I don’t know how long I should give him space or if he’s going to break up with me. He’s not a coward and if he didn’t want to be with me I’m very sure he would tell me I just don’t know what the delay is since we have never went this long without a resolution any advice.

1 comment
  1. Odds are you guys are broke up. Normally I would say you do not have to wait for a partner to reach out but in this case Im not sure if he ever will. Mourn as if you broke up. If do not hear anything after a week confirm or just assume. Your relationship is not healthy

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