So, this guy I met online and we met up to cuddle and watch anime. We ended up having sex also.
Anyways, we’ve been on again/off again for months now. Meeting up to cuddle, watch tv and have sex basically tbh and then he or I break up with the other and we don’t see each other for like a month at a time.

He always picks apart what I say and tries to help me talk better because he notices the flaws in how I talk. And in what I do. Like he wants me to go to the gym, go on a diet and learn to drive but I don’t want to learn to drive because I’m scared to. He wants me to do better basically. He pushed me once when we were in line for food and it was my turn and I guess I didn’t walk fast enough.

I know my life is falling apart ever since I was r @ p e d last September by a different dude and I have multiple mental illnesses, so I tend to trust his guidance since he seems to have his life together.
He said he wants to be a ‘dad’ to me, and guide me. He said he feels like he’s a teacher to me. He said recently that he doesn’t have romantic feelings for me but he cares for me a lot and I could come to him for anything and he said he’s sexually attracted to me, but doesn’t want to use me. But he keeps contacting me to hang out/have sex and then sometimes contacts me and then cancels and apologizes and says he’s disrespectful to me and shouldn’t use me and says we can’t hang out together anymore. And then soon after he will text me and say how much he cares for me and ask for hangout/have sex… Cuz basically all we do is have sex.. and then he seems to get bored of me and takes me home. I care for him and am desperate for a boyfriend/someone who loves me so I keep going back.. idk what to do. People in my life tell me to block him on my phone and don’t look back. But that’s so hard to do when I feel less lonely when we’re cuddling or having sex or just chatting.. help?

Tldr is this relationship toxic?

  1. No person should be a parent to you except your parents. Yes he is being toxic. He is using you only for sex he even said it. He is contradicting himself bc he wants sex but doesn’t want to feel like a bad person for using you for it. You need to block him and hang out with your friends and find a hobby like go to the gym it will occupy you.

  2. Yes it is. Extremely sus and gross that he said he wants to be a dad to you and have sex w you? Weird. He’s just using you to hook up. Try getting therapy for what you have been through.

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