Are you going out or staying in and probably comforting your pets who don’t like fireworks?

  1. Weather is looking like highs in the 90s (fahrenheit) and rain all afternoon.

    I have a few friends who are considering meeting up by the lake for a packed lunch, but this might just turn into a “gathering at one house and popping a beer in front of a TV” group night.

  2. It’s my birthday. Probably spending alone, broke and regretting decisions i made.

  3. Getting hired with a police agency, so ill be going on my ride along that night. Should be fun.

  4. Hunker down in the bedroom, turn the TV up, and do my best to comfort my terrified puppy.

  5. Going for a paddle and a swim. Probably a bike ride on Monday. Not sure. Lots of relaxing and leisure.

    Do some grilling. Watch Independence Day.

  6. Go to my lake house, drink, BBQ, watch the kids run around with sparklers then put on a massive fireworks display over the lake in a drunken haze while “America Fuck Yeah” plays on the loud speaker, get some pussy from wifey…pass out.

  7. Make burgers and s’mores at home. Watch the fireworks from my window if the weather isn’t rainy.

  8. I was thinking about an early morning hike or round of golf, but it’s supposed to be 110 degrees on the fourth, so maybe I will go into the shop and catch up on some paperwork. I will be grilling later, but it’s just too hot to do anything outside.

  9. Visiting our youngest, who is taking summer coursework at his university. The city has a large festival on the fourth, and the food is fantastic! We’ll probably leave before the fireworks, though, because it’s a long drive home.

  10. I’ll me comforting my boy cat, he gets super scared of any loud noises. We will also probably get some indian food

  11. I get the day off, so I’ll probably sleep in and then carry on like any other non-work-day. I wish they gave me Monday instead of Tuesday because of the long weekend.

    I’ll also be personally dreading the fireworks all day. I had a panic attack last time I saw them in person. The lights are pretty, the noise and vibrations are very bad.

    Ngl, all the patriotic holidays just kind of blur together for me.

  12. Small bbq at our place, hide in my house once the chaos starts. I always enjoy a bbq and seeing friends but I seriously hate fireworks. My neighborhood is saturated with people shooting off the illegal ones, it’s really quite awful. I don’t take any action or complain, just stay in and hope nothing catches on fire or anyone injures themselves.

  13. Kids and grandkids coming over. Light some fireworks. I’ll be in bed early since I have to get up at 4 am to go to work in the morning.

  14. My small town goes all-out for the 4th. Lots of festivities, parade, music, the works. It’s the busiest week of the entire year with lots of tourists. I’m getting the fuck outta town and going camping. Every year I’ve stayed to make that $$$ but really looking forward to some peace and quiet this time.

  15. Going to work. I work at a golf course and we have our fireworks that I’ll get to see at the end of my shift

  16. If every American would pledge to kill just one nazi on the 4th we could end this nightmare in a single day.

  17. Hang out with my extended family. Not BBQing this year. I think we might just order pizza.

  18. Sleep, ride my bike, watch Tour de France, reminisce about my trip to Paris. Repeat x 4

  19. Hopefully nothing. I really just don’t want to do anything lol, maybe just watch horror movies.

  20. It’s MAGA month, so it will be daily cookouts, with sporadic boating and projecting the movie The Patriot on the side of my house for everyone to watch. For the 4th I have a unsecured loan to cover the costs of fireworks and food.


  21. Gonna ride my eagle with a Bible in one hand and an AR-15 in the other.

  22. curl up, cry, take wife to work, cry more. it’s not been a good week, year, decade.

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