Married/GF ladies. What do you do when your home alone?

  1. Most of the same things I do when I’m not home alone. I clean some things, cook for myself, take care of my dogs, work, exercise, etc.

  2. First I order my favorite takeout which my husband doesn’t love. Then I either read or watch whatever trash tv my husband doesn’t watch with me. I guess this is if he was gone for a weekend or something. If I’m just home alone for an evening I’d probably do about the same, but knock out some cleaning too.

  3. Bake ridiculously complicated confections only to take them down to the fire department.

    Design elaborate gardens based on lat/long and google overheads for random folks I don’t know.

    Clean like Jesus is coming for dinner and I need extra heaven points, because I fucked off on an exam.

    Nothing at all.

    Pretty much in that order too.

  4. Blast some music no one else likes and clean. Cook food no one else likes and eat it. Watch TV shows no one else likes and do my nails. Sometimes I just put pillows on the floor when the sun shines in, read stuff on my phone and take a nap there like a cat, this is so nice, but my husband finds it weird and my son loves it but also jumps on my back and wants stuff read to him…

  5. When my husband leaves the house with luggage in tow our dog’s instinctively know they get to sleep on the bed until he returns.

  6. Writing, creating videos, being creative, watching Netflix, baking, going for walks, taking naps.

  7. Working and taking care of myself, my day to day routine hasn’t changed besides instead of cooking when I have the motivation to (so it can easily be at past midnight) I cook at reasonable hours.

  8. Watch stuff that I know my spouse doesn’t enjoy.

    Blast my music.

    Eat takeaway or prepare something that only I enjoy.

  9. If I’m home for just a couple hours or something I don’t really do anything differently than when he’s home. If he’s gone for a couple days I eat in the bed and sleep with his half of the bed covered in stuff.

  10. Since I also have kids, when I have the house alone, I kick back and enjoy the quiet. I usually binge a show, play a video game, or read.

  11. I’m alone every day while he’s at work. Some days, I can’t even peel myself off the couch. Other days, I act like a toddler given free reign. Loud music, dancing and singing, and yelling for no reason. Cleaning, coloring, air frying cheese sticks 😆

  12. I watch tv or catch up on some chores like the dishes or laundry. That or I’ll take my dog on a walk or drink a glass of wine, depending on what time of day it is. 😅

  13. Depends on my mood. Usually listen to music or podcasts without headphones while cleaning or working on a project. Then I make ravioli (husband hates it) for dinner and watch extra cheesy chick flicks, dumb reality tv, or drama shows and drink wine until bed.

  14. Masturbate, living room karaoke, sit and stare at the wall for 6 hours, idk

  15. put on music that my partner doesn’t like but i do (we have different taste), clean and cook 🙂

  16. Play music really loud and sing while I’m cleaning, read my Bible and pray, play Skyrim, exercise, focus on a more complicated recipe. Today, I’m going to make cherry hand pies.

  17. I WFH a lot of the time and my bf travels for work usually 5-7 days a month on average so I have a fair amount of alone time.

    Honestly depends on the day but I’m usually pretty productive. I’ll go to the gym, take our dogs for a walk, do some reading, go to lunch/brunch/dinner with friends etc.

    If it’s a night he’s not there, I’ll do some more lazy ish stuff like watch a movie, sip some wine, throw some music on surround sound, the or do some gaming..ironically with HIS fiends sometimes since I’m cooler than he is and he doesnt game that much other than his racing sim 🤣

  18. I live with my boyfriend in his house. We don’t watch network TV but a movie here n there or some docs. When he leaves there’s three things I do: watch cooking shows, cook and masterbate once usually.

  19. soon many things

    listen to my music on 1000, clean, dance, workout, sing at the top of my lungs, my self care, change my hairstyles, do my nails, do my makeup, read, study, watch the shows my bf doesn’t like, play dress up

  20. Get my favourite foods delivered that we don’t normally get, blast music and have a dance party, masturbate.

  21. Same thing I do when he is home. The only difference is if he isn’t home the music is louder.

  22. I’m home alone this weekend and so far I’ve deep cleaned the entire house and refilled any stock that was empty. After I made my space perfectly clean I’ve done the following:

    – worked on my mosaic project
    – restored a shelf I found on the side of the road to use for my greenhouse
    – repotted some of the plants in said greenhouse
    – went for a hike on a public family friendly trail (I don’t have a dog so safety first!) to search for new rocks for my aquarium
    – prepped my sourdough

    I focus a lot on just doing things on “free” timeline, no worries about this schedule so I can be way more lax.

    I also focus a lot on any form of self care, long bath, face mask, (i went for the hike but usually I run), cut my split ends, did a manicure while watching the end of season 19 of greys anatomy.

    As a woman of faith I take extra time to spend with God, especially love doing that during my hike.

    I also always love to blast music and dance around. My husband loves seeing me do that too but we all know how freeing it feels to dance around alone.
    OH! and I slept on the couch with my kitties. He hates if I fall asleep on the couch and I always loved it so that’s a time when I get to 🙂

  23. Clean, cook, laundry and every once in a great while veg out and watch some TV.

  24. Play my music and sing along or play my bass loud. Binge watch something interesting. Sit in a comfy spot and scroll or play a game. Order my fave takeout and enjoy something I baked for dessert. I’ll also sit outside and read or tend to my gardens. But I do that whether he’s home or not.

  25. I like to play my true crime podcasts and clean. Or I’ll run a bubble bath and watch a movie from my childhood. Usually I’ll paint my nails as well to treat myself.

  26. Masturbate

    Play loud show tunes and dance and sing while I clean

    Lay on the couch naked and eat junk food

    Usually in that order

  27. Listen to my favorite music and dance my ass off. Eat standing up at the counter, preferably those weird food combos that no one else likes. Bed stays unmade. Nap. Masturbate, watch/read porn. Try on clothes in different combos. Experiment with makeup. I basically turn back the clock a few decades.

  28. I enjoy being home alone. My husband works from home so its hard to get him out as much as I wish.
    I love cleaning when hes not around.
    Watching my favorite youtuber without being interrupted.
    Going to bathroom in peace
    Getting around my plants.

  29. Work on my Unity game. I’ve wanted to create my own video game ever since Mrs PacMan hit the scene.

    Oh, and masterbate.

  30. Having a movie marathon, often its Harry Potter, like today.
    My partner is gone for the weekend so i watched 1-2 yesterday and im watching 3 through 8 today. I love having a whole day to indulge in the wizarding world, its so relaxing.

  31. Fart, eat in front of the fridge, finish arguments with him out loud to myself, watch porn and get off, tend to skin care that takes forever..

  32. I’m with him so much so i don’t know what to do when im alone.
    So usually end up watching my phone and it automatically becomes night.

  33. Surprised how many people are saying “masturbate” like damn 🤣🤣

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