What helped you to deal with hard times?

  1. Focusing on the desire outcome and building the needed habits for it on a daily basis.

  2. My pets. I can’t function without animals in my life. I fall into such a deep depression without animals. They make things better.

  3. Focusing myself on the positive influences and habits in my life and doing my best to cut out the bad or not focus my thoughts and time on the negative as much as possible.

    I’ll rely on my partner, friends, family and I’ll devote my time to productive hobbies and passions like running, working out, and golf to fo us my mind elsewhere instead of sitting there dwelling on circumstances and getting into my own head.

  4. Keep busy and doing thing that makes me happy and taking one day at a time

  5. Finding the good. Focusing on the true silver lining wherever I could find it. It wasn’t always easy and hell it might not be what a therapist would recommend, but it has always worked for me. It never had to be grand or even bigger then the difficult things I was dealing with, it just had to be good and true.

    When my life was at peak stress, peak anxiety, COVID + threat of loosing my source of income and career, I’d focus on the truest good things I could no matter how small. The taste of my coffee, the purr of my precious cats, the comfort of my husband-whatever was a brighter shade from the dark grey I wanted to dwell in.

  6. knitting- its such a nice flow state! but when im really really sad – OD on melatonin usually helps. Also reading about hollow earth is a good mental distraction for me

  7. keeping myself busy by working out, coloring, watching shows and movies, cooking and baking. hanging out with my family and friends and being in touch with nature also help!

  8. Making peace with what I can’t control. Plenty of times I didn’t know how close to dying I was but when I felt myself slipping, I remembered my gratitude for my friends and family, places I’ve traveled to and any of my accomplishments. Made things easier.

  9. Music and my hobbies. Always creating or reading something to block it out

  10. Weed, music, young adult books, therapy, running away from my problems… 🙃

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