I (18f) am afraid that I’m gonna cheat on my gf (19f) of six months.

I recently met someone at a clothing event out of the blue and we started talking for like 30 mins and became friends. For the past week we’ve been casually texting and made a plan to hang out yesterday. We went to an arcade and hung out a lot there where I got to see his personality more and that he’s kinda attractive, during our time there we were talking about how a dream job of mine would to be a model and as we were talking he said something along the lines of “well I think you’re gorgeous so..” and he continued but just that little compliment made me feel some kind of way.

Keep in mind my gf compliments me all the time and I truly love her, she is so incredible and is seriously the best person I’ve ever been with, but she’s also the only person I’ve ever sexually been with and now I think now that I’ve met this attractive dude it’s making me think about sleeping with a guy and it’s causing problems in my head. I’m terrified that when I hang out with him again I’ll snap and want to do something.

I could stop the friendship with him but then I would have to explain why to both of them and as we all know, that’s probably not a good idea.

Tl;dr I became friends with an attractive guy and I’m scared I’ll sleep with him and cheat on my gf

  1. Firstly, you don’t have to explain the truth. You can make up something to salvage you relationship.

    Secondly, you are 18. Now is the time to live your life. It is best you explore the world as you want it now because there is a time limit.

    So do what makes you happiest. At the moment it seems like the other guy.

  2. Like that other person said, break up or stay loyal. Flip a coin or something. Go live your life.

  3. I think you should break up with your gf. I’m sure she’s a great person, but you clearly have curiosity about other people and men specifically. You are very young, it’s natural to feel this way and to want to explore and figure things out, but you should do the right thing and break up with her, not cheat on her or drag her through a bunch of hurt and mistrust.

    Ignoring and suppressing these feelings and just staying with her really isn’t the right thing to do either. That’s not fair to you or your development, and this will almost certainly be an issue in the future and could lead to resentment.

    Yes, it will hurt her when you break up with her, but I assure you from personal experience, that pain will be magnitudes less severe than cheating on her and the inevitable breakup after she’s been betrayed. Breaking up is part of life and part of relationships, but being honest and forthcoming is the noble and mature way to handle it.

  4. Don’t cheat. Seriously, it’ll destroy your gf.

    To you it may be experimental, to her it’s a lack of trust in any future potential partner.

    Tell her the truth, or don’t, omission of that kind may fit into your morals. The fact you care this much shows quite obviously cheating isn’t within your morals.

    Everyone thinks of cheating at some point in their life. Every single person I know who has cheated has regretted it. Everyone I know whose been cheated on has had severe trust issues.

    I’m not trying to tell you what you HAVE to do. I am, speaking from experience, warning you against the idea.

    This I promise you OP. You will forgive yourself for a break up, and heck, maybe dudes aren’t for you and you end up back together. Either way she’ll forgive a break up eventually.

    Cheating….not so much. Food for thought.

  5. How about you break up then because she deserves someone better than you. You already went on a date with someone else.

  6. Cheat or don’t cheat, stop acting like it’s some unstoppable force preying on you lol. Take responsibility for your own actions.

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