Many of you likely remember all the RBG T-Shurts and children’s books. Which of the present justices on the court will be the next one with their T Shirt everywhere, or is most likely to be “the next RBG”?

  1. Sotomayor, perhaps. Her autobiography was well-written and inspiring and she definitely has the rhetorical flourish in her opinions.

    Thomas (or Scalia) have been the conservative powerhouses, but conservatives don’t do that specific kind of kitsch.

  2. RBG had a vibe that no other Justice that I’ve seen before, and I’ve been watching politics since the late 1980’s.

    Clarence Thomas has something like a ‘cult of personality’ among conservatives. He’s the heir to the troll-flavored brilliance that was Scalia. Thomas also has the interesting habit of almost never asking questions to those speaking in front of the court, which gives a quirky element.

    On the left-hand side, I think that Sotomayor and new Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson have a higher probability of developing somewhat of a following. For some reason, I don’t see as much of a ‘rockstar’ element in Kagan.

    It took literally 20 years for RBG to reach t-shirt status. Sotomayor has 14 years on the court so far.

  3. It will probably be a long time before we see something like that again. Honestly, I think the weird love for RBG is going to eventually wane as her admirers realize that the current balance of the court is due in part to her choice not to retire while Obama was in office. Instead, she stayed on the job despite her failing health, which in the end gave Trump the opportunity to pick her replacement. The woman was in her 80s and had pancreatic cancer!

    I’m not personally upset that she didn’t retire since my political views are somewhat conservative, but I’m wondering how long it will take for people on the left to realize that they *should* be upset about it.

  4. None, the only person I associate with Cult of Personality with is CM Punk tbh

  5. Hopefully nobody ever again. SCOTUS appointees shouldn’t have that level of following or dogma. Plus it was unbelievably cringe, especially when TV shows would fetishize her i.e. Parks/Rec

  6. I hope no one does

    My brother’s college put up “Notorious R.B.G” posters everywhere when she died

    The irony is that I’m like 70% sure Biggie was Pro-Life

  7. Clarence “show me the money” Thomas. I mean it seems like there are people lining up around the block to worship corruption. Not specifically referring to Trump, but, if the shoe fits.

  8. The right is absolutely falling all over themselves for Clarence Thomas right now.

  9. Jackson, she will be loved. Then she will die while a republican is president and a republican will fill her seat and they will disown her and all but mass protest her funeral for not dying or retiring while a democrat was president.

  10. I guess Clearance Thomas although it’s not near what it was for RGB. The only reason the left even knows her name is because they absolutely hate Amy Coney Barrett

  11. RGB was a trailblazer for women’s rights and a champion for human rights. She absolutely deserves the accolades and admiration so many of us have for her. Frankly some of the comments reflect a lack of understanding her importance and her courageous efforts to make this country a better place. This is in stark contrast to the current 6 so called justices who are taking us into a American Dark Ages where religious intolerance is celebrated and enshrined in the law.

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