I’m 20 and I have a very, very, very limited social life, and zero social skills at all. The other day when I was at a group I go to with my friend, I met a cool guy and he gave me a lift home. We chatted for a bit but that’s about it, we barely know eachother. I got his number and we arranged to meet up tomorrow over text.

Absolutely none of that is romantic or sexual in any way, yet my brain is just non-stop having fantasies about it. I think I’m just so not used to people being nice to me that when this one guy was nice to me a few days ago it made me super infatuated with him.

I’m really excited to hang out with him tomorrow but IDK how to get myself to go into it and not make things weird for myself, I’m finding myself unable to just treat this as a normal friendship and not get my hopes up for something more despite knowing it won’t happen. I’m worried this is gonna make me really nervous and awkward when we hang out. Do you have any advice about this? Thank you.

PS: While I’m asking on here anyway; what kinda things should I actually say to him? I literally have no idea how to make conversation with people.

1 comment
  1. oh god i can relate to u,, i just recently fell really hard for my photography teacher at university. shes being super nice to me and we get along so well. shes only 7 years older than me (im soon to be 22) but i dont even know if shes queer, into women. i dont really see any hint that she might be into me, i think shes just being a bit nicer to me than her other students as we spend a lot of time together at school and im super into photography (unlike other ppl).
    i just got to the point where its just so painful to think about her or be with her because of my feelings but theres nothing i could do,,,

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