I recently started a 5 week long summer school program and it’s been hell so far. I’m able to make small talk however when I’m talking to new people my body tenses up and I become awkward and that just makes me more nervous and it snowballs from there. I haven’t been able to feel really comfortable with anyone so every interaction I just feel stiff and awkward. It was especially bad today during the first day of class, we had a crit and when it was my turn i got so nervous that I kept saying the wrong things and was very quiet and monotone. Does anyone have advice for this?

  1. Understand that it’s normal to feel this way at the start of something new.

    Helps me to think that there’s other feeling this way too. Sometimes I’ll joke about my nervousness to open other up. “Sorry I’m a little nervous.” Most people understand.

    Do a little bit at a time. Don’t beat yourself up, or overthink things you said. People are so caught up in their own worlds, they don’t remember awkwardness.

  2. It looks like you’re not one with your highest self. You’re constantly feeling nervous, and it’s probably because your self-image and self-talk are negative and disempowering. It appears that you see others as high value and worthy of respect, but you’re not. You must correct this, or you will always feel unworthy of respect, and people will treat you accordingly. You have to remind yourself that you are worthy of respect as much as others. I’m not saying that you should see yourself highly as an arrogant prick, but simply don’t look at others as if they are divine entities and while you see yourself as a worthless loser. Instead, place proper value on yourself.

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