I’ve (M 29) realized I need more friends who are into health, fitness, weightlifting like I am but not sure where to find them.

I’ve hit the gym for years but I’ve always gone hyper-focused on my workouts, earbuds on, and without any intentions to talk to anyone. Maybe this is a bad behavior I’ve kept from my super antisocial days. I want to change that and make some fitness friends but I never seem to be able to strike up a conversation. The moment just never arises. – “How many sets you got left?” – “just two more” is the most I’ve spoken.

Are people normally open to talking as well ? Any tips?

1 comment
  1. I am a 17 year old and I don’t know that many about socialising but let me tell you gym is good place for socialising. First thing I would do is in heavy sets I would ask for support (ya know for bench press,squat,shoulder press etc…) After their help I will say thank you that was very helpful with a polite smile and ask for their name and If he ask something else to you just continue the conversation and when the end comes ask him politely if he will support you again. Now in the future you can go talk to him just like how you talk to your other friends and majority of time he will introduce to other friends of his and be friends with all otherwise do the first step to any other person in there . It’s just that simple ya know just talk freely, no worries needed they are humans just like any other friends you got and one more thing compliment them about their gains and stuff it will be very good

    That’s all I know . Wish it was helpful 👍🏼

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