So I recently got out of a 3 year long distance relationship and haven’t done anything since January. I’ve been recently going out with friends since the breakup and so far it has been fun. I went to the bar a few days ago and saw this really attractive guy and we ended up exchanging numbers. We hit it off right away and started having a normal conversation until he asked me to go over. I was kind of caught off guard and told him that I wasn’t like that and reassured me saying he wasn’t either and just wanted to drink wine and have normal conversations about eachother. Fast forward to today, we have been flirting hardcore and we both have made it known that we want to do stuff. I thought what the heck, I’m single and haven’t had fun in a very long time but I will say that I’m kind of nervous since I haven’t been with anyone else in 3 years and could probably use some tips? I’m also a little nervous because he is a bit older than me.

  1. If you want to hook up, do it. If you don’t want to – don’t. It’s that simple.

    If you do hook up, be safe. Use protection. Make sure a friend or sister or somebody knows where you are and you touch base to let them know you are safe.

  2. Remember that whatever experience this guy has, this is his first time with you. If you’d like him to fuck you well, set him up for success by communicating how you like to be touched. (Whether it’s with words or happy noises or guiding his hand/head to wherever you’d like them to be, your call.) Hopefully he cares enough about being a good lay to take a bit of guidance. When he’s doing a good job, male sure he knows it.

    Take your time, move at whatever speed feels right and comfortable for you. Makeouts are great fun in their own right. Don’t be afraid to escalate slowly. (Or, if it’s what your feeling, see if he’s amenable to getting naked NOW NOW NOW. Whatever feels right in the moment.)

    Have fun exploring his body, too. If blowjobs don’t totally gross you out, make sure his dick spends some time in your mouth.

    Good luck. Have fun. 😀

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