i posted on here like 6 months ago bc my bf asked to face fuck me after saying he would never do it to someone he respected. i yelled at him pretty hard bc i had also been getting photos from a random man who was printing out pictures of me and cumming on them
almost every boy on here told me i was a bad gf and over reacting. i got over 500 comments. almost all the women told of me to dump him

i didn’t dump him and i should have. he cheated on me about 1 month later. i still stayed with him be my parents told me everyone makes mistakes. then he started spitting on my face. he would spit on my face randomly and go back on his phone. it wasn’t consensual. i would have to clean it up. he tried to cum on my face without permission. i had to roll away to avoid it. then he asked to pee on me because he thought it would be “funny” i told him no. and he continued asking me. he even tried to do it one time and i had to essentially run away. i broke up with him shortly thereafter because he didn’t want me to meet his friends

i told my mom about what he did recently and she started sobbing. that was my first boyfriend and i didn’t know how horribly he was treating me

i just wanted to say a big thank you to all the women (and occasion man) for supporting me originally. and i wanted to say a GIGANTIC FUCK YOU to every boy on this sub who told me to let him face fuck me bc i was being a bad girlfriend. any boy who defends these actions sucks. you need to do better. you need to respect women. so many people told me i was a piece of shit. i took that to heart. it made it harder for me to break up with him. to the men who told me i was bitch, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you respect women. the answer is you don’t. this isn’t a sub to call women bitches. it’s a sub to give advice.

  1. Holy fuck I’m so so so sorry that happened to you and that boys (yes I said boys not men) tried to justify that and say you where the problem. Good for you for kicking with pos to the curb and knowing your worth. IM PROUD OF YOU

  2. I love this new energy you’ve got! So glad you’re away from him and see him for the creepy, demeaning, POS he is. You deserve so much better than him and all the BS people were saying on here. Never feel pressured to do things sexually you’re not comfortable with.

  3. What the fuck? As a guy, your ex bf is terrible person. He is disrespectful, miserable porn addict who never loved or respected you in any sense. Just a total loser. Getting out of relationship like this asap surely is the only valid option, but I think you could also take legal steps for A LOT of things.

    I am so sorry you had to go through this and I hope you will mentally recover soon and find someone who will treat you as good as you deserve.

  4. Sorry to hear about what u went through, as. A guy am ashamed about the dumb things that were said by other men, is different if he simply had different sexual preferences but he was forcing them on u knowing very u weren’t into that which is inexcusable, am sorry u had to experience that especially it being your very first relationship, there are guys that will absolutely spoil you and treat u like a princess, I hope what happened with him doesn’t ruin your ability to love and trust again when u meet someone good in the future, best of luck

  5. So glad to hear you got away from this loser!! Wishing you nothing but the best in the future 🙂

  6. GoodNESS. That’s absolutely awful, I’m so sorry you went through that. So glad you told your mom!! There’s nothing wrong with those things but there has to be explicit consent!! Hang in there, let’s get to moving on. ❤️

  7. Generally if you set a boundary and the other person deliberately crosses it you should leave. I am glad you got out of that abusive relationship.

  8. Oh my God. I’m so sorry you went through this.

    Thank goodness you’re away from that POS. He’ll get his karma one way or another.

    Don’t ever do something you’re not comfortable with. If a guy doesnt respect your boundaries, he doesn’t respect you. Moving forward use discernment when interacting with guys.

  9. OH. MY. GOD. I can’t believe ANYone told you to just take that. Like, fuck them with a rusty cactus. I’d say worse but I’d get banned. Damn, girlie, you did NOT deserve any of that. Not the treatment by your ex, or the comments that said that shit to you. I am SO sorry.

    Look, I’m an old woman, and it took me a long time to figure out what respect was, in terms of dating. A good rule of thumb is: if you don’t like it, don’t put up with it. I mean, you can go the communication route and also do counselling etc, but, if you’re not happy with it, don’t put up with it. Whether you get vocal or just walk, it’s your call. Don’t be anyone’s punchbag, whether physical, emotional or… whatever the hell it was you had to put up with. I am so sorry.

    Please take a hug from me, if you accept them. I read something recently: Don’t let that fucker dim your sparkle, darling. <3

    Edit: In my advanced years, I look back at some of the shit I put up with, and I’d like to think I’d react differently. I of course would, if I had to do it all over again. But going through it for the first time? It’s a learning thing. Please take this as a learning thing. I am SO happy you’re getting that spine I never had at 21. So so happy.

  10. what fucking manchild would tell you to let him facefuck you when you were clearly not into it… fuck them for being sick pigs. The number one thing in any and all relationships is respect for each other and their wants.

    not hurr durr I seen dis on da porns so I can do dis…durrrr….

    plan and simple, get the fuck out of that situation, just run, he wont respect you and will keep getting worse because you staying is just fueling his degradation fetish.

    I don’t condone violence but if anyone did that to my sister or friend, I’d have some serious words with that asshats head and a cast iron pan…

  11. Oh my God, broke my heart reading this. I’m so sorry you had to go through this, especially in your first relationship – spitting on your face and trying to piss on you is disgusting, abusive behaviour and I’m so glad you had the courage to leave him.

    Also, I was cheated on by my first partner too and it was soul-shattering – I’m sorry that your parents didn’t encourage you to leave at that point. You should never have to give a cheater a second chance; he disrespected you, that’s by far enough to leave.

    You sound like a strong person, and it’s a good thing you got out of that situation. I hope you’re doing ok, and that dickheads like that stay out of your life. You didn’t deserve to go through that abuse at all.

  12. Holy shit, I just went back and read the other post (I think, it only had 2 comments tho so maybe it was just a draft) and your ex was fucking crazy. That’s some sociopathic nonsense he was doing.

    Asks to facefuck you while you’re being sexually harassed online? Crazy bullshit.

    Asks to pee on you several times including in public because “it’s funny?” Crazy bullshit.

    Cheats on you? Crazy bullshit.

    Literally spitting on your face? Crazy bullshit.

    Ignoring you when you doll up for him and then abandon you for his friends and says you essentially can’t be friends with them too? Crazy bullshit.

    Dude sounds like one of the most fucked up people I’ve ever heard of, I’m glad you got out and got away. That’s some grade A level degradation he was doing, no one deserves that at all. Trust me fam, he was a complete asshole, the most disgusting kind of human trash. You were **NOT** overreacting in the slightest. Everything in these posts sounds like shit that guy needs to get therapy for, or jail time Jesus.

    I hope you’re doing a lot better now, OP. And I hope you find someone that will treat you the way you deserve, especially when you’re putting in so much effort. ✌️

  13. Absolutely applaud you for dumping him. I’m sorry so many dumbasses on here made you feel worse. I’m a grown ass man and fully support you. You’re a bit older than my youngest daughter – I’m in full Dad mode now, reading this, ready to beat the ever-living F out of this guy!

    Glad you’re done with him, safe again… please love yourself and take good care. Peace from NorCal

  14. This was both horrifying and heartbreaking to read. I’m so glad you’re rid of this abusive jackass. I’m just sorry you had to experience that treatment in the first place. It sounds like he was addicted to porn and take it from a lady who’s old as hell- those guys are never, ever worth it.

  15. You’re a bad girlfriend for respecting yourself? Sorry, he’s the bad one.

    If I want you to perform fellatio on me, you have to be willing. Otherwise, it is wrong. The same for me on you. What if you don’t want it? Then I should respect your wishes. Otherwise, we have a problem.

    I’m sorry this turned out badly for you. It tends to be normal as more women aren’t respected. You can do better and should.

    I’m also sorry that other males treated you so on here. I understand where they are coming from, as many women do this. The problem is, they shouldn’t. Explain that you don’t like it, won’t do it, and he accepts or hits the road. If you really want to give in, that is OK but it shouldn’t be something regularly done. If so, he’s using you and abusing you. Sex isn’t supposed to be like this. We call that rape.

    As for him not respecting the woman he did this with, that is a warning sign. Jeez, he’s a massive warning sign.

    I would say dump him, but you did. Smart move. If a man calls you names, cheats, or does a lot of other things, he’s not worth your time. Women are to be respected and treated decently, not abused.

  16. if you don’t mind OP, can you explain why you stayed in the first place?

  17. Honestly I’m glad you told your mom everything he tried to do bc she deserves to feel like shit for telling you to stay with him after he fuckin cheated on you. She’s an idiot. It sucks your very first relationship had to suck as bad as this one bc it is really epically bad- but sometimes you gotta learn the hard way what your boundaries are and when to exit stage left, ya know? Never ever date a guy that can’t take no for an answer

  18. You Go Girlfriend! You got your Shiny Spine well & truly buffed up to a high shine! Very proud of you for coming back here to school those shady Shallow Boys who tried to justify that awful behavior.

  19. I’m so sorry this was your first boyfriend / relationship/ experience, and I’m sorry your first experience was abusive.

    You deserve better x

  20. Your parents are also on some BS. Never have sex with someone if you’re not 100% into it. This guy is trash.

  21. I’m so sorry you went through that, and I happy that you’re finally free from that AH!! And yes, we must never listen to the advice of random men on the internet. What many men want, is to condition us, all the women on the planet, to accept being objects that men can use and abuse at their whim. By “disciplining” women online, they seriously believe they will condition more women that read that, and thus it means that eventually they will find their own living sex doll, F her feelings. Always trust YOUR gut instinct!

  22. It’s healthy to have boundaries. Someone that can respect those boundaries if worth your time.

    I’m glad you got out! Stay strong, and keep your self-respect! Your ex sounds like a disgusting person.

  23. Wow, sounds like you had a wild ride with your ex-boyfriend! But hey, at least you can say you learned how to dodge cum like a ninja! Kudos to you!

  24. So sorry to hear about this. I’m a guy and this all sounds totally fucked up I’m glad your free. Please no matter what happens what this guy says no matter what never give him another chance. I’ve seen so many women close to me get sucked back in.

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