How do I stop getting used for things like emotional support by attractive women I’m romantically interested in, who end up rejecting me despite my emotional supporting of them?

  1. It sounds like your emotional support is transactional. You are giving them support because you are hoping it will lead to something romantic in the future. Why not find out if they are interested in you romantically before you invest your time in them? Ask them out on a date. You will know right away if they are interested in you, and you won’t feel like you have wasted your time when they reject you. On a side note, they aren’t really using you if you are freely offering support. You feel used because you have an expectation that you supporting them may lead to something romantic. It is flawed thinking…. they might not know that you are only offering the support because you want something in return.

  2. You should read “No More Mister Nice Guy” By Dr. Glover sounds like you might need it.

  3. boundaries homie. dont support them till theyve committed. make it very clear when things are casual and when things are not casual dating partners arent there for emotional support. and if someone thinks they should be; take it as a huge red flag

  4. When you become the “emotional support dude,” you’ve already lost. They perceive you as a girl at that point. Stop offering them so much of yourself before they offer you some of themselves too.

  5. Women have girlfriends and boyfriends. If you’re not fucking her, you’re her girlfriend.

  6. Just set your boundaries, you can even do what I do because I hate setting boundaries and give small hints like “aw I’m not sure I’m the one to ask for this”.

  7. If you look at it from their perspective you may realize that you are showing up like a friend rather than a romantic interest.

    If you are only emotionally supporting them because you think it will get you through the door romantically then that’s kind of weird and totally on you.

  8. If you’re constantly having this happen, then you aren’t cut out to be friends with women who are hotter than you. Stop doing it. Try to date someone who’s one tier lower than you on the hotness scale and that should solve your problem. B/c you’re acting weird around women who are hotter than you and it’s turning them off.

    You know, you could also just try practicing selfless non-romantic love without expectation for anything in return. That’s another option. I promise it will help you feel good about yourself, even if it won’t get you laid. Hot girls often have friends, and if they really like you and trust you, then other women will notice. If you have ten hotties as genuinely great friends, and you’re doing that without desire for manipulation, but just for enjoying their company…

    Man, you’re going to get a lot of girls looking your way.

  9. By stop being emotionally supportive, lamer. Try reading books like “Atomic Attraction”. Women do NOT find your sentimental BS attractive.

  10. Don’t have female friends. That’s the simple answer. There’s like 4 billion woman in this world. Find one that likes you like you like them.

  11. By not giving them attention and validation etc that isn’t reciprocated in some way.

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