If they married with children a little bit of a celebrity- D list or E list lol but you dream of them every other night? We kiss, cuddle – but her life circumstances always shows up and she’s leaving them for me- or asking why she so attracted to me? If they have messaged you on IG and then blocked you… but you still have the dreams?? When your feelings about them are friends only?? That you know in the future they will be in your life???

  1. Soul mates are the people who live in your life, not in your fantasies. Soul mates are the people who put in the work to commit to you every day, not someone who plays with your emotions

  2. Soulmates don’t exist. This post is strange, like a stream-of-consciousness from an obsessed child. If you’re holding on to dreams about somebody in the face of evidence she is not (and cannot be) seriously interested in you, then you’re being desperate to the point of delusion.

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