Dear elder guys of reddit, what’s your health related advices for a boy who just hit his 20s.

  1. Take care of your TEETH

    Next your heart/lungs

    These 3 things can be damaged beyond repair. So take care of them now.

  2. Don’t drink excessively, and no you aren’t too young to develop high blood pressure if your dietary habits are bad.

    Enjoy life for sure, but make sure you’re moving enough through the day and eat some veggies and fruits regularly too. Saturated fats and sodium are bad news if you don’t do them in moderation.

  3. Your teeth need to last you. Always care for them and have regular cleanings. Once excess weight is put on it can be much harder to remove it. Ask me how I know. Don’t let Type II Diabetes sneak up on you as the damage can be devastating. Stay active and try to at least take decent care of the only body you’ll have. I did get my Diabetes under control and lost 50lbs but some of the damage cannot be undone.

  4. If you don’t already excercise regularly, start.

    If you don’t already eat healthy, start.

    If you aren’t already taking care of your mental health, start.

  5. Lift weight, eat clean, stay active. happiness is a constant pursuit. Focus on the positives.

  6. Protect your hearing, wear ear protection with tools, jobsites, lawnmowers, and so on. Hearing loss is usually gradual and once it’s gone, it’s gone.

  7. Develop good habits now. Other dudes are posting great shit in this post; apply all of it and make it regular habits you do all the time.

  8. Drink water, sleep enough and properly, exercise regulary, eat healthy.

    Basic shit.

  9. I am in my earlier 30s, not an elder by any standard, but have some advices: first is to always do some physical activity, no matter how busy life gets. Even more: specially when life gets busy, it helps keep you accountable for your physical and mental healthy during hard times. Second is to choose your poisons: everyone will have some unhealthy habits, but you can be smart about it: choose the ones that are worthy the cost. For instance, I abandoned most industrialised candies because I just don’t like than that much, but I still drink my beer whenever I can.

  10. The more effort you put into maintaining a good physique at your age, the easier it’s going to be to keep yourself looking good in your 30s and 40s. Get regular cardio exercise, lift weights, and eat an appropriate amount of calories, with a high protein, low sugar diet.

    Avoid tobacco, avoid tanning, and limit your alcohol consumption. Do these things and by the time you’re 40 you’ll look quite a bit younger than all of your friends who did those things in excess.

    One thing I regret not doing when I had the chance- the second you notice your hair thinning or your hairline receding, in a manner that’s consistent with male pattern baldness, get to a doctor and get on finasteride. It’ll save your hair, and if and when you wish to repair what you began to lose with a hair transplant you’ll need a minimal number of grafts.

  11. Maintain exercise, drink water , try and eat healthy as much as possible and sleep.

  12. While not a list of physical things for health, these do come into play… Be dedicated AND happy in your work endeavors. Alcohol & women in moderation. Manners always. Take time for yourself. Eat healthy. No drugs or tobacco. PLAN for retirement. Respect given, respect earned. WORK at marriage.

  13. Lay off the booze, don’t smoke/vape. Take care of your teeth and exercise regularly.

  14. Take care of your teeth (brush twice a day and chew gum, floss if your dentist advises it).

    Take up running, swimming or some other aerobic exercise or sport.

    Some martial arts are good for this as well.

    The longest lasting and most beneficial physical activity you can do is running or swimming. Elevating your heart rate and breathing, along with exercising multiple muscle groups.
    You will also be mentally healthier, and have good endurance for any physical activity.

  15. Bro, every bit of harsh rough treatment you put your your knees and hip joints and back through, they are going to store it like a battery, amplify it and return it back to you in the form of pain in your 50s: shooting pain, day long aching pain, throbbing pain – nagging annoying never going away pain even if you eat Advil like candy.

    So yeah, rugby and American football and skim boarding and extreme mountain biking and all the other fun things we do that are hard on our bodies seem like a lot of fun – and they are. I still dream about living ocean side again and surfing & swimming but skipping the skim boarding …

    Just remember, when you fuck up and fly over the handlebars and use trees to slow down your crash over the side of a steep cutback – don’t forget, you’re taking out a loan on your body and the payback 20 to 30 yrs later is a motherfucker for the rest of your life.

    Maybe I just took too many stupid risks jacked up on adrenaline and even if I knew what I know now, I’d still have done most everything – I’m just saying, consider yourself warned.

  16. Eat what you like and a lot enjoy your high metabolism years. There’llbe plenty of time for diets later in life. But do take care of your teeth.

  17. Keep doing hobbies that you enjoy and if you’ve never tried Disc Golf, I highly suggest trying it, the vast majority of courses are free, it’s got a wonderful community of people who play it that are open to new players and above all else it’s extremely fun as well as highly addictive.

  18. Go get your feet checked out and make sure you’re wearing the correct shoes.

    Bad shoes can cause back, knee, hip, and foot issues later.

  19. Don’t worry too much. Moderation in your diet and do some basic cardio and strength training with stretching and your 20s are your easiest years. Enjoy them!!!

  20. Also in my 20s.

    Do not sit with legs crossed over each other and also do not put your wallet into your back pocket, apparently these things may develop into lower back pain.

    Take care of your feet, teeth and posture and also exercise regularly. If you feel something is not right it is probably not and never delay doctor’s visit even if it is expensive “A greedy man pays twice”.

    Additionally, we all will get drunk at some point in life, so test your tolerance and have someone reliable during that time so you know when to stop.

  21. Work out and eat healthy foods like vegetables and fruits to keep your body healthy.

  22. Avoid long term usage of medications which means keep yourself healthy. And learn to read ingredient labels. The American food industry is killing us.

  23. Treat yourself, wherever and whenever you can. And make sure to do it, EVER.. so nicely. You don’t EVER, ever.. wanna look back on these years and think you didn’t make the most out of it. Also, take lots of pictures ‘cause chances are you’re not only gonna think that You yourself look beautiful; but also, the people around you are beautiful as well. Take care my friend.

  24. Take care of and exercise your body AND mind.
    Wear a rubber unless you want a baby or STD.
    Don’t get addicted to drugs or alcohol.
    See as much of the world as possible.
    Save up money.
    Be a good man.

  25. If you become an alcoholic it can ruin certain joints. Avascular necrosis. I had both hips replaced at 30 and 31. It started at 27.

  26. Work out at least once per week. The muscles you build now will serve you into your 80’s but if you try to start in your 40’s you are screwed.

  27. Exercise and workout consistently

    Watch what you eat. Careless eating can and will catch up with you. What I did was learn how to cook for myself instead of depending on take-out. Learn how to make healthy foods tastes so good that you won’t want to eat out

    Brush and floss your teeth multiple times a day

    Stay hydrated by drinking quality water (I have a berkey water filter)

    Get plenty of good quality sleep. At least 7 hours minimum.

  28. Get into weightlifting and flexibility. It will do wonders for preventing the aches and pains everyone starts getting in their 30s.

  29. Go to they gym often. Make it such a habit that not going makes your entire day thrown off. Develop healthy eating habits now. Both are ridiculously important and easier to develop now than later

  30. Brush, floss, and avoid smoking like a chimney. Your future self will thank you, trust me.

  31. Get into a sport to keep your body and heart in good shape, take care of your teeth and protect your ears. Also, don’t become an alcoholic. It’ll ruin you and your health in ways you can’t even imagine.

  32. Cooking is the key. Learn to regulate you diet according to your needs. Don’t to get full.

  33. Stay in shape. Doesn’t have to be big muscles, etc but put in the effort. And stretch daily. You’ll thank me in twenty years.

  34. A tip for exercise.

    Listen to your body, you’re not bulletproof/invincible, even through you may feel like it.

    It’s OK to take a rest from time to time to let your body recover.

    I blew out my ankle a few weeks before going to officer selection board for the Army because I rolled it slightly but kept pushing myself because I didn’t want to take a week off when in reality I would’ve been fine to do so.

  35. Don’t drink alcohol. Exercise, but don’t go crazy. Avoid sugar. Feeling uncomfortable is necessary for growth.

  36. Just keep active. Do the 6000 to 10000 steps every day.

    If you do like a drink, space it out, two or three days between each time.

    Nuts or grapes at 2pm not crisps.

  37. If you smoke, try and stop. If you eat fast food most of the time, definitely curb that. Exercise and minimize drinking too much

  38. still early 20s here, but be careful of labour jobs, be very afraid of how quickly you will fuck up your joints and especially knees and shoulders. Should’ve listened and stayed in school but oh well

  39. Eat clean, limit carbs (processed especially), train in a combat sport, and learn to get your sleep

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