I just had a really bad haircut, and it makes me look like I’ve lost a lot more hair than I actually have. I also have a Bumble date coming up soon.

I’m at that awkward stage of balding where I can still pass as someone with a decent head of hair, but only with the right haircut. But last week I went to a new barber, who ignored the photograph I showed her, and closely buzzed the entire back of my head.

The close buzz highlights and exaggerates the extent of my thinning. It practically looks like someone waxed off a portion of the back of my scalp.

The top of my head (which isn’t buzzed) still looks fine. And I still look normal from the front.

But if I arrive early for our date, and she approaches the bar from behind, it’s hard to imagine making a good first impression. It looks **really** bad, guys.

The last time I showed up for a date with my hair looking like this, my date seemed visibly turned off when she saw me. There wasn’t a second date.

That woman sucked anyway, so it wasn’t a huge loss. But if this woman I’m supposed to meet this weekend doesn’t suck, I really don’t want to ruin my first impression.

On the other hand, I also worry that if I make up an excuse to cancel, she’ll think I’m flaking on her.

How would you proceed with this?

  1. As someone who was recently hatfished, don’t do that. But he also had photos on his bumble that showed him with hair. He wore hats on every single date, by the 3rd one I got suspicious. When we went to hook up and he FINALLY took off his hat, I saw the real deal. To be totally honest: bald isn’t a deal breaker for me. But lying is. If it’s a casual first date, wear a hat, but definitely don’t on the following dates when your hair starts growing in again. If you can’t wear a hat and you notice her looking, casually make a joke about getting an awful haircut, maybe even ask her for recommendations for a new barber. Most chicks are chill, just don’t lie to us.

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