i live in a nearby city and am in her city regularly, i’m planning to move there.

we dated for 3-months and got pretty close. she told me upfront she wanted nothing serious and she had significant sexual trauma. we had sex the first night we met and she was extremely into me. she would constantly be affectionate towards me, and was very consistent throughout the relationship. she was the nicest girl i ever dated and treated me very well. i let her drive the relationship due to her trauma + she told me she was avoidant, so i let her come to me which she consistently did. i didn’t have to do much, she was very into me.

things were going very well imo, so i invited her to spend a few days in my city about 3 months into our relationship and she agreed. then she dropped a bomb shell on me that she was moving (to my home state, not where i currently live) and she knew this 3 months prior to meeting me. i found out she was moving in a month. i was shocked. we had a relatively good night together and i walked her to her job and we made out and held hands. through text we planned our trip for her to see me in my nearby city and she also agreed whenever i see family in my hometown i could spend a few days with her. we also sent funny jokes and videos to each other in text that night. all was looking good.

then few days later she out of the blue broke up with me and refunded the trip. she told me she was glad we met and she cared for me but our sexual differences really distressed her.

thing is, im not really big on sex and the way her triggers would work is whatever was okay in one moment wasn’t okay with her in the next. we could be making out (which she would initiate) and then moments later she’d complain im using too much tongue and get triggered. i tried to be understanding accommodating whenever this happened. i am not the kind of guy that needs a lot of sex, and i wanted to clarify that to her but never got the chance. the first night we had sex she didn’t get triggered but her trigger points then onward were unpredictable and she’d literally shut down and we’d have to reset.

when she broke up with me in text i immediately asked if we could meet over coffee and i was willing to be friends if nothing else but wanted to discuss her concerns. she said no she didn’t want to meet and she didn’t want to be friends/romantically involved she had made up her mind and wished me well.

i just said “ok” and regretted not calling her or fighting for her more than i did every since then. she unfollowed me on insta but didn’t block my number or block me on social media.

that was one month ago. she leaves in a matter of just days. i haven’t contacted her since my “ok” message 30+ days ago

i badly, badly miss her and am deeply longing to see her again before she moves in a few days. we were too close for her to be so abruptly taken end things and for us to never talk again. i think she was highly emotional then because she was getting into a lot of arguments with her roommates and complaining a lot about work. i wonder if they just spilled over and she broke up with me on the spot and now is “better” and back to “normal” and could work things out with some space and time elapsed.

should i text her “Hey, X. I want to respect your boundaries but i wanted to see if you’d like to reconnect before you leave? I’m in town for about a week”

if she says no, i didn’t lose anything but not sure what to do. very conflicted. i don’t know this version of her, i just know the girl that was madly into me which i lost and want her back.

TL;DR: We dated for 3-months. She has past sexual trauma and broke things off with me. Said she didn’t want to be friends or romantically involved. Since she is moving extremely soon, should I text her asking if she’d like to reconnect?

  1. What would that accomplish?


    Your situation basically says “she doesn’t want to have any contact with me so should I ask her to hang out???”

  2. As long as you are able to deal with being hurt if she ignores you or says no I think it’s okay. You don’t really have anything to lose at this point. I get why you would want to know specifically what you did “wrong” but she might just not be into you for whatever reason. Sometimes you have to find closure within yourself

  3. Well, I don’t know 100% what kind of trauma she has but what I know for sure is that you are attracted that much because of some your insecurities. It is just always like that. These people who are “avoiding” type give you so much ,then they regret it like oh we are too close and then they leave. She will regret for leaving you but it will be too late.
    I am a woman who has the same issue like this woman who you described. It is like you fall in love so fast ,then you change your mind ,get scared ,you see this man as something dangerous and you just leave everything, spontaneously and in the middle of nowhere. Then after some time you become “sober” again and you truly regret about everything. Also, I can tell you that men in who I get attracted have insecurities. It is also a special type of a guy. My therapist explained to me that people attract to each other because of their trauma. Okay , maybe you are not traumatized, I think it is a big word but you definitely want to prove to this woman something or maybe somewhere subconsciously you want to feel in control. You should analyze yourself why you got that attracted and yeah I don’t recommend writing her because she will push you aways

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