I broke one of her two Wonder Woman drinking glasses. Accidentally dropped it in the sink. I going to let her ask me and claim I told her about it. Plan B could to blame it on the cat and tell her I was worried she’d send Fluffy away.

  1. When we first moved in together, almost 13 years ago, I accidentally vacuumed up the cord on one of her playstation controllers, and ruined it. tossed the whole thing in the dumpster before she ever got wind of it. She eventually got to looking around for it, and I don’t know why I didn’t just come clean, it wasn’t malicious or anything, but I never did tell her. I ended up just buying a new one when she got to looking for it real hard, but I never did tell her the truth of it. Now, a decade on, every time she can’t find something she says “it’s gone to live with the playstation controller”. I will never tell.

  2. I know it’s not an answer to the general question, but I think you should just tell her the truth. It’s just a cup. If breaking it would be so bad to your relationship, it’s not gonna work out anyway.

  3. Whenever I go get groceries, I get myself a secret slice of pizza from the place next to the grocery store. I’ll take this to my grave.

  4. Yes, I did eat your triple choc muffins because I was stoned that night after we met. I lied and acted confused as heck when she asked where her muffins were.

  5. I’m hiding the dedication to my book. It’s going to be for her and showing the world how wonderful and supportive she has been to me in our marriage and her invaluable contribution to my writing.

    She’s going to find out when I publish and see it for herself =D

  6. I accidentally broke that vase with your initials on it that your sister bought you 2 weeks before she died.

    It will be a cold day in hell before I admit that, as I quite like our marriage.

  7. My sister in law fucking someone who isn’t her husband. My wife and I have a key to their house, and we had were watching their kids for a few days. Long story short, I assumed they were still gone, so I took one of them with me (an infant) to go grab some more diapers since we were almost out at our house. Their house is only about 10 minutes away.

    There was no car in the driveway or garage so I just let myself in. There she was getting railed by some dude. She begged me not to tell her sister (my wife). I guess her and her husband have some sort of agreement (he confirmed it with me) that’s it was fine and that he has someone on the side too. They begged me not to tell my wife.

    I’ve kept my mouth shut for a few months but idk what to do. I feel like I should tell her but I know it would break her heart knowing her sister was banging a dude that isn’t her brother in law.

    EDIT: To be clear I’m not planning on saying anything. I was asked not to. This whole post is about what secret you have and when you plan on saying it. And I answered truthfully.

  8. We were living together for 2 years. She spilled something on one of my DVDs. I found. Told her she didn’t have to hide it.

    Anway, we bought a house. She was fucking my best friend and did other terrible things.

    And she still owes me a new goddamn DVD. It was a series. Asshole.

    Edit: I misunderstood the assignment. She’s still a terrible person though.

  9. The nice furniture I brought with me when we moved in together actually belonged to my ex. And I’ll never tell because it doesn’t mean anything emotional to me and I don’t want to have to rebuy it for no good reason.

  10. Once a week, I use her expensive shampoo and conditioner for my beard.

    She busted me once and told me to stop. It’s been probably 6 yrs now that I still do it. The key is to use very little, so she never notices!

    I’ll tell her on my death bed.

  11. Please don’t do the option where you tell her that you must have told her, that is absolutely gaslighting and not ok. Just be a man and tell her straight up.

  12. Who I was and how I acted when I was an active alcoholic! Sober over 5 yrs now.

  13. When I’m having a shitty day I remember back to the time when she was wearing a short skirt and sharted on the couch. That shit makes my day better ( pun intended). She will never know why I’m randomly smiling but it’s because she has a shit ass …well at that point in time.

  14. “I don’t like the orange ZipFizz. I drink it all before any of the others because I know you hate it and I’m leaving the better flavors for you.”

    I did eventually tell her this when she bought a bunch and separated out all the orange for me to take to work. She pointed it out believing she was doing me a favor.

    Costco only sold the multi flavor pack with orange included. When we discovered we could order boxes of individual flavors on Amazon we started buying there.

  15. Can you order replacements on Ebay? If not and you happen to live near an Ollie’s Bargain Outlet, they are selling Wonder Woman Pyrex bowls. I think they were $3.99, they have plastic lids and are dishwasher/microwave safe. You could buy a couple and give them to her as a “peace offering”.

  16. I have one! I have one!! I broke off engagement with a lovely-but-not-compatible lady when I was in college. It was a few months out. I was relieved because the lady and I were stellar friends and we had a deep shared faith…. But we were like oil and water. Did not get along. Lots of friction. But good friends. And she was this really great person.

    So I have this ring.

    My dad needed a good gift for my mom for their 25th wedding anniversary. So he paid me about $1000 for the stone which is in my mom’s ring today! Lovely stone. Dad and I agreed to never tell anyone!

    Welp, the lady I broke the wedding off with… I get in this big car accident and as a result, due to some trauma and some details and proximity…. she and I get back together and eventually get married!

    25 years later, two lovely kids, a rocky but also sometimes happy marriage, we are getting divorced. Mostly amicable. Still quite supportive of one another. At least at this second. 🙂

    Mom still wears the rock from my first engagement with my STBXW.

    The only secret I every kept.

  17. That she (my wife) is 💯percent out of my league, like a total smoke show and I’m utterly average.

  18. So many of my ramekins disappear, and I know it’s because he leaves them out to feed the birds who break them, but I don’t think he’ll ***ever*** admit to it lol

  19. That one day, while she was driving, she asked me to grab her phone and message her friend that we were close. When I went to open the message, it jumped and scrolled and while scrolled back down to tap the box to bring up the keyboard (iPhone) I saw her wedding dress before our wedding. I quickly kept going and didn’t commit any detail to memory.

    We did a first look and I swear that I forgot what the dress looked like because I was genuinely in awe at how beautiful she was.

    I’ll never tell her this. Ever.

  20. Back in my early 20s (I was single at the time), I used to donate semen to a lesbian couple that I met on craigslist. They would pay me $60 for each donation (I wasn’t working full-time at the time). This then led to me finding out about the KDR (Known Donor Registry) and donating to other lesbian couples until my mid 20s.

    I’m in my mid 30s now. I’ll never know if I was successful in helping those couples out, but this is something that I think I could never tell my wife (even my parents and siblings don’t know about it).

  21. What happened to me is that I damaged her bag so I hid it, I’ll just buy her a new one so she won’t get angry anymore lol.

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