it was our first argument, i wasn’t supposed to call him coz his parents are kinda strict and when i texted him , he told he was very happy and i am not supposed to ruin it . when we met , he told me – he can’t be there for me when i am sad but i can be sad once a week 😭
but he proceeds to tell me he was serious about me and he wants me to be his gf but i just can’t be sad or express my feelings
and later i found out from the mutual friend that he goes around collecting nudes of his class girls and circulate among his friends and that he basically was with me coz of the body and he was with other girls at the same time as well
we broke up after this .

  1. Why would you date someone who doesnt care about your feelings in the first place?

  2. I understnd that your recent experience has left you feeling hurt and confuzed. It’s importnt to remember that your worth and hppiness should never be compromised for someone else’s plezure. Trust your instincts and value yourself above all else. True love and respect go hnd in hnd, and you deserve nothing less. Tke this s an opportunity to prioritize your own well-being and surround yourself with people who appreciate nd cherish you for who you are. Believe in your strength, learn from this experience, nd know that you deserve a partner who uplifts nd supports you unconditionally. Keep shining!

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