Hyper-Independent women: How do you cope with life in the most stressful of times?

  1. Honestly, if I’m very short on time, I cry. I cry a little, sometimes ugly cry even, until I feel like I got it all out and that I’m a little calmer and got past the breakdown point. Then I kinda reset and get back to what I was doing before. It usually works for me to just let it all out at one moment so I can think straight.
    If I have more time, I also cry hahaha But then instead of getting back to whatever I was doing, I take some time to write down my feelings, it really helps me understand myself in that moment.

  2. Ah, the power of the ugly cry! Works wonders for my sanity too. And writing it all out? Genius! 😄💪Crying? More like my secret superpower! Ugly cry + emotional venting = instant stress relief. Works like a charm!

  3. Single parent with a hard career here. I’m hyper-independent but not by choice. Most stressful times usually consist of being in lots of high emotion situations where I’m needed to be the absolute calm. I do not have any emotional support to defuse. So I will sing rly loudly in my car with the windows down. I masturbate a lot. I make a shit ton of to do lists. I just get shit done.

  4. There’s not really any secret. You just keep surviving because there isn’t a good alternative. It’s hard.

  5. I drink myself to sleep at night and then get up early the next morning and run 10km. Most days.

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