Idk why but I like to just lay there with my eyes closed and any time I open them the guys just inches away from my face just staring at me it’s been like every single guy I’ve been with too just wondering why they do? I even had this one guy demand me to stare back into his eyes not look away it was frightening how intense and almost serial killer his eyes got when we were having sex. Almost most the guys actually lol eyes just change when having sex like their a whole different person

  1. Might be focused on trying not to cum. Could be just admiring your beauty. Some people like eye contact. It’s another way of connecting.

  2. I look in her eyes because I am seeking a connection, also where do you want the guy to look?

  3. My ex just seemed to love my reactions more than anything else, that or watching my tits or his his cock slide on and out of me made him cum quicker maybe 🤷‍♀️

  4. It feels more intimate and also for some guys, girls faces during orgasm are more arousal than any other part of body.

  5. Eye contact is a form of emotional connection/communication. The faces are more than likely a way to communicate how much they are enjoying it. I imagine they may be looking for the same from you.

    But what do I know, I just hit it from the back.

  6. You’re a part of the show. Your face and body are beautiful and sexy and erotic and looking at it all elevates their experience with you. Also, they may have started off by looking at you, but are now simply focused on what they’re feeling inside and not actually focused on what their eyes are laid upon. They can be staring without really seeing because their focus is on other body parts.

  7. Idk why they do that, but haha… I can’t do that.

    I’m 6’4″, so in mish I can’t get my head down there to be staring at my partner’s face, its like I’m forever above her, lol.

    Ask for more kisses/necking.

    Or just yell, real loud: “quit looking at me!!!”

    That’ll do it.

  8. Idk I’ve just always felt uncomfortable staring someone in the face and eyes for long periods of time and I wasn’t frightened of this guy only during sex his eyes would change like he was a whole different person if that makes sense

  9. If I’m doing this, I’m literally trying not to cum. But this is also why i lay my head against their shoulder so it ain’t as awkward

  10. Personally as a male I would find it odd to stare continuously but I love to peek at her face to see if im on the right path and to see the pure pleasure she feels. It makes me also feel much much better.

  11. damn this hurts me lol i try not to stare into her eyes when having sex cuz i know that’s uncomfortable but i cant help it if i stare in general I just like you an am excited to be having sex and i like you ans think your beautiful im focused on everything like trying not to make any weird noises or i am trying to like flex my abs or something

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