We all know these people who step into a room and it’s like they have a golden aura behind them, the mood of the room changes and you feel happier by the word they say, they could say “The sky is blue” and you’d go “WOW! THAT’S SO TRUE! Oh my god you’re amazing! Say something more! Say something more!”.

An [example of someone who I call “naturally charismatic”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G05nEgsXgoI) (Apple’s Craig Federighi)
[Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8utAagjD8SE).

They don’t appear try-hard, I’ve read books on social confidence and asking questions, they all seem well and good but as much as I learn I still can’t quite nail down what makes them….well….them.

Is it possible to learn this power?

  1. People who saw him in person say that President Kennedy had a distinct charisma about him. I’ve only met two people in my entire life that had a certain aura about them.

    I don’t believe that this can be learned.

  2. In terms of Huge Celebrity-Style Aura, no, I don’t think that can be learned. But I do think smaller aspects of it can be developed and improved. It comes from the idea that WHAT you say (“The sky is blue…”) is less important than HOW you say it (“The sky is BLUE, people!”

    Beyond that I think it comes from a higher level of confidence, positivity and warmth. That’s stuff you can work on. You want to feel that on a heart level in order to project it properly to the world.

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