What nagging injury do you have from playing sports?

  1. Don’t know how true it is but I heard of a guy in my class who had to get circumcised because he got kicked in the dick during football.

  2. Have a scuffed knee from martial arts.

    Then after trying to pick right back up where I left off after a 3 year hiatus, I scuffed the hamstring on that same leg XD

  3. I wouldn’t say it’s nagging but due to many years of playing hockey with extremely narrow skates, my pinky toes are sideways so instead of the pinky nail facing up it faces the side.

  4. I fractured my ankle playing basketball in middle school. For the most part it’s fine; just pops every now and then. It often starts hurting again when I swim though.

  5. I have an old zygomatic and maxillofacial break from boxing that still messes with my jaw. It basically gave me sleep apnea.

  6. Ouch! Talk about taking one for the team. Hope he’s alright now.

  7. Crunchy knees from BJJ, nothing major but I’m sure it will come back to bite me in my 60s

  8. My only attempt to be athletic saw me join a pickup Ultimate Frisbee group in college. Fucked up both my ankles (ESPECIALLY the left one) the back half of my junior year and nothing on my legs has been the same since.

  9. 1. Shoulder impingement on my left side from weight lifting
    2. Right shoulder rotator cuff pain
    3. Knee surgery on my left knee
    4. Pain in my right meniscus
    5. Plantar fasciitis on my right heel
    6. Broken or sprained every finger on both hands

    No back, neck or head issues that I’m aware of. So, I guess I’m lucky that way. My extremities are fucked, but my core is fine.

  10. I have a shoulder that frequently dislocates (average once every few years) from playing backyard tackle football. My rotator cuff has permanent damage. Doctor says it’s like a chipped golf tee.

    Fortunately it doesn’t hurt. But that just means when it does dislocate I have zero warning. One wrong move at just the righth angle and it might pop out and it becomes a whole ER visit because it comes ALL THE WAY out.

  11. Fucking knees. They hurt even when I am sitting down. Doc says I have to lose 80 pounds before he does the knees but how can you do that when you cant move? Dieting is not the answer either. I have he will power but the life style is hard to change.

  12. Also got hit by a car while biking, which led to one knee surgery. Sore back, neck and knees from decades of playing hs, college sports; football, hockey, baseball. Competitive and recreational baseball, softball, , touch football, broomball, basketball, golf, hiking, refereeing hockey at higher levels, juniors, college, AAA, high school. This lead to lots of collisions, falling down, getting up and going again.

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