These just seem like marketing attempts that basically prove they don’t care about whats best for you and are just after your money. Also especially if your young you have many years to date and get it handled. The objective reality is you can join at any time or choose to not join and you can succeed without the coach. But the coach will never be this honest and open about with you. And I just wanted to be affirmed that what I’m saying is correct.

  1. In any sales profession, you have to create a sense of urgency. A sense of needing to act immediately or you will miss out. They know that if you step back and think about it, you are far less likely to buy.

    It’s totally a sales tactic.

  2. Dating coaches are snake oil salesmen. Don’t listen to them. Just be confident about yourself and you’ll be fine.

  3. They are, first and foremost, salesmen.

    They want you to make a purchase without thinking of the consequences, they say that sort of thing to make you panic and be like “oh shit, I need to buy this NOW!!!”

    It’s an effective tactic to be fair.

  4. >These just seem like marketing attempts that basically prove they don’t care about whats best for you and are just after your money.

    You already know the answer, why are you asking the question?

  5. Dont trust a dating coach if you get into a happy relationship then you dont need them and they stop making money. Never trust someone who is selling a permanent solution because they never do just a scam

  6. Wait are you saying that dating coaches are a bunch of charlatans who try to prey on those that are looking for any possible way to improve their dreadful dating situations?


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