Some neighbors down the block had a garage sale. We know each others names and go over to thier house once a year as they are Neighborhood Night Out hosts, but that’s the extent of our interaction. We’re not friends with them on social media and when encountering them in the neighborhood just wave or say hello to them, and don’t engage in small talk, much less long convesation. . Was wondering if I may have breached some kind of etiquette by not going to their garage sale and buying something?


  1. *checks flair*

    If the tik toks about your people are true, then I think you’re going to be banished to New York City or something.

  2. No you have no obligation to stop by.

    I would stop by though just to say hi and see if there’s anything I might want. That’s just me though.

  3. No. Anyone who’s upset because you won’t browse their castoff stuff has a weird idea of propriety.

  4. No, you didn’t breach any social etiquette that I know of. It’s often seen as considerate to stop by a neighbors garage sale but you won’t be judged for not going or anything.

  5. What you are suppose to do is slowly drive by looking and then speed off like their crap is beneath you. LOL

  6. Honestly, I thought you were asking if it’s considered rude to BUY something from your neighbor’s yard sale. So I think you’re well in the clear!

    Neighborhood children’s lemonade stands are another story. 100% obligated.

  7. I would have. Especially if you were visibly outside. I hide inside on such occasions.

  8. I think it might be worse to go and not buy anything at all.

    I’d skip it unless you truly want to go.

  9. I go to neighbor’s sales just to be neighborly. Talk, meet them, they get to meet my dog, etc.

    Sometimes I buy stuff sometimes I don’t. Once a neighbor gave me a dozen baseballs because I said my dog liked to chase balls. I tried to pay but they refused.

    It’s all good, go or don’t go. I wouldn’t be offended either way.

  10. Did something happen to make you think you did something wrong? Did someone say something to you?

    I can’t think of any reason why you’d need to go their sale, unless you see something you want.

  11. I thought you were going to say was I wrong for going? I think it would be creepy to rifle through my neighbor’s personal stuff.

  12. Absolutely not. I bought a really nice leather couch from my neighbor. If they’re having a garage sale they want to get rid of stuff and they probably don’t care who buys it.

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  14. In Florida, if you’re close with the neighbors in a small town environment I’d expect a visit- that’s just how my Florida small town was(though we might’ve been odd ones out). I think generally though, there’s no expectation to do so. And when I say visit, I’d say maybe buy something small but it’d be more of a social visit than anything.

  15. Nope. I don’t even know my neighbors that well and if I saw they were having a yard sale, unless I either spotted something I personally would like, or am in the market for something in particular, I wouldn’t go over there.

    If they invited me over, I’d tell them I’d consider it. If I’m in the market for a particular item that I’m sure they’d have, I might peruse their yard sale to see if they have it.

  16. Me, personally, if I know the person, I wouldn’t buy their stuff.

    Wouldn’t matter if they were in the next state or not.

  17. How else are you going to reclaim stuff that they “borrowed” from you months ago?

  18. You don’t have to go to a neighbor’s garage sale. It is fine if you do but it is not rude if you don’t.

  19. This is a serious question? I want your life where the most miniscule things imaginable are worth posting online.

  20. I mean, it probably would’ve been nice if you had popped down there and then if you saw something you liked that you bought it but you’re not obligated and it’s not necessarily rude not to.

  21. Talking to your neighbor more than once is practically considered flirting for Minnesotans. I’d be shocked if they even noticed you never visited.

  22. Not in the least. In fact, I’d prefer they not unless they plan to buy something if I was hosting. If they come to chat, it could distract me from helping people looking.

  23. No. I just went to a new neighbor’s garage sale, and there were a few of our other neighbor’s there as well. It was a good way for us to introduce ourselves and make them feel welcome. Plus, we got a new piece of furniture out of it. That said, I don’t think there is any rule about going or not going. I haven’t gone to all the ones in my neighborhood (my community has around 100 houses, so it’s a smaller development and everyone knows everyone, or will at least waive),

  24. You aren’t obliged, although certainly it’s a way to appear neighborly and gives you an opportunity to have another conversation with them outside of the one visit per year

    Like, you don’t have to be their friend, but I think it’s nice to take occasional opportunities to be more *friendly* with neighbors – especially ones like this where you can deliberately wait until others are there, chat for a couple of minutes, and then “get out of their hair” as an easy exit

    I don’t think anyone’s gonna give a shit that you didn’t go, though

  25. No. This is exactly how I got caught trying to sell my neighbors weed eater I had borrowed last fall. Things have been awkward ever since.

  26. Nah, you don’t have to stop. We don’t. I don’t even stop at lemonade stands either. Nor the flag sale on the street corner.

  27. It would be nice to stop by but I don’t think you have to. Maybe if they went out of their way to invite you it would be rude not to? Idk my neighbors never have yard sales

  28. There’s no obligation 😂 you should be good. If they are having a yard sale they probably understand someone feeling like they have enough stuff. Next time you see them, you should say “I saw you were having a garage sale! I keep thinking I need to do that myself” if you feel the need to explain yourself—- but you said you don’t even talk to them so you’re probably fine without it

  29. No. I mean you can if they’re close and friendly neighbors, but tbh who wants someone’s old crap especially when you know who they are. Like they’ll always know that you took their trash.

  30. You’re not required to go, I usually stop whenever I see one just to browse personally.

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