OK so im a minor (16) if that matters but im moving with my family to a new school district and was wondering if anyone on hear had any advice for attracting someone if im not physically attractive. doesn’t have to be a perfect 10/10 but the higher up the better, so keep that in mind. also, i wont know a single person so mind that too. thanks for any advice you may give!

  1. See yourself as others see you. Something most people refuse to get is that you’re not going to get better than you are. If you’re fat, the best you can ask for is an equally fat girl.

  2. You have an uphill battle my friend.
    The best predictor or compatibility until the age of 20 is physical appearance.

    Read “models” by mark manson.

    Remember that a man’s peak value in the “sexual marketplace” is 36 and for women it’s 23.

    Focus on steady growth as a person. It’s the men who don’t work on themselves (or stop working on themselves) that get into trouble.

    Become more attractive by working on your appearance. Work out and wear clothes that fit.

    I always hated when people told me to just “be more confident”. it’s the most useless advice there is. Real confidence comes from experience and preparation. It comes from constant failure until you finally figure something out and you are able to replicate results and understand why you got them.

    You can learn better posture, and body language to appear more confident, but it’s a mirage unless you really are confident.

    At 16, no boy has “earned confidence” in dating. Not the quarterback, not the prom king.

    You’re a kid. It takes grown adults years to figure some of this out.

    Build trust, be consistent with what you say and what you do. Be honest. Be vulnerable. Be patient with yourself.

    Understand that girls are just figuring things out too.

    At 16, I was a skinny, shy, awkward kid. I wasn’t considered attractive, smart or confident.

    I’m 35 now. I have a fiancé from Brazil who is hotter and way cooler than anyone I went to high school with. The guys who got the girls in high school and college often didn’t work as hard on themselves. They often got married young to their high school sweethearts. Now they’re fat and trapped in bad marriages and they don’t have the confidence to leave. They thought they had everything figured out, but they were too young to understand that that they didn’t yet. That’s what unearned confidence gets you.

  3. Become attractive. Anyone can workout and eat healthy and get 8+hrs of sleep

  4. Well at 16 you are in the perfect spot to remake yourself. You are essentially on natural steroids right now. Hit the gym either put on some weight or lose some weight depending on what you need. Then work on your personality talk to random strangers no matter how hard, if you feel awkward just be honest about it. Own yourself and don’t feel ashamed. Check out stuff from Dr. Glover he has great advice on working on self confidence.

    Being attractive means very different things for men and women. For men it’s like 99% personality, and the ability to kick ass if needed.

  5. Teenage years are the best dor discovering who you want to be, be the man you always wanted to be first but hs dating is good for having fun and learning to put yourself out there. Highly recommend dating just to have fun and do stupid stuff together for now because that chance leaves you fast. But yeah find a role model and stop at nothing to be like them

  6. Just be funny and make an effort to the girl you’re interested in
    That’s all it takes for most women

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